Aquatic, which makes plastic composite bath products, invested in Dürr air emissions control technology that also provides energy from the collection and incineration of styrene.
The agency's second round of testing confirms that dispersants available for spill management have similar toxicities.
The company is working with Focus Wildlife, the Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service to minimize the impact on birds and wildlife in the area. A bird and wildlife rehabilitation center is now operational.
Draper Energy and Energy North did not have a spill prevention plan and illegally discharged diesel fuel last year, according to EPA.
Bioremediation of ash ponds has the potential to reclaim the contaminated environment and return it to a more natural condition.
- By Bedanga Bordoloi, Etali Sarmah
The Justice Department has settled with W.R. Grace, Tyco Healthcare Group, BIM Investment and Shaffer Reality Nominee Trust for $13 million that will pay for past and future cleanup costs related to asbestos and caustic solution use on the site.
A study shows the industry has lowered carbon dioxide emissions by 32 million metric tons and needs to reduce those emissions by another 22 million metric tons to meet a June 2011 goal.
EPA has published industry information on 2009 emissions the same month that the information was collected.
Researchers suggest invasive species may have altered Lake Erie's foodweb, where increasing concentrations of mercury have been found in walleye.
Proprietary technology is shown to be suitable for commercial LEDs in disinfection applications.
National Clean Fuels will help separate oil from contaminated water in the Gulf of Mexico with the help of newly engaged environmentalist Norris McDonald.
Now, research, funding and testing tools from the Food and Drug Administration will be added to those of EPA, NTP and NCGC to improve chemical impacts testing.
EPA and NIH scientist used rapid screening method to determine whether the oil dispersants used in the Gulf of Mexico and others could harm marine life.
Grace leased the facility from Oldon and received asbestos-contaminated vermiculite concentrate there to manufacture attic insulation and fireproofing material.
The Birmingham, Ala.-based, cast iron pipe manufacturer will answer to 400 violations of environmental laws over the last 10 years with a $4 million fine, $9 million in supplemental projects, and more than $7 million for corrective measures
Effective July 8, a new directive extends to Sept. 30 a yearlong NEP. It specifies programmed inspections in three regions and unprogrammed ones in the other seven OSHA regions.
Company's Food Safety Response Center developed methods to detect petroleum contamination specifically for the Gulf of Mexico spill.
How one environmental cleanup firm managed a sodium chlorate spill in an active rail yard from cradle-to-grave.
Joseph LaDou says discontinuing the global use of all forms of asbestos, including chrysotile asbestos, would prevent all asbestos-related diseases.