The companies are collaborating on a fixed facility in New Jersey that will vitrify hexavalent chromium and other hazardous wastes.
SOCMA calls the efforts of Congress to reform the Toxics Substance Control Act overreaching; Safer Chemicals group wants more teeth in the measure.
Cell-All initiative would equip cell phones with sensors capable of detecting such chemicals as carbon monoxide and fire.
Khabarovsk, Russia looked to sister-city, Portland, Ore., for better waste collection and disposal methods and plans to incorporate pre-load compactors into its waste transfer system.
Alabama, Oklahoma, Ohio residents want EPA to regulate coal ash as a hazardous waste.
Throwing sharps containers, red bags, and spill cleanup materials into the trash sends up a red flag to commercial or municipal trash collectors because they are not allowed to take this waste.
The Department of Transportation's Maritime Administration will clean the hulls and remove flaking paint on 20 of the ships to be recycled before September, 2012.
Honeywell International Inc. also will pay for all of the United States’ response costs relating to the tar plant area, including oversight costs.
Notifications should be submitted at least six weeks before the July 7 deadline.
The National Center for Policy Analysis says that the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant has sufficient infrastructure for ongoing nuclear waste disposal operations.
Agency may add BPA to its list of chemicals of concern and require further testing.
Enviro-Clean, Inc., tells business owners and homeowners how to manage their properties following water, flood and sewage damage.
EPA disapproved the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality's air permitting exemption program, which allows companies to avoid certain requirements; TCEQ says it has tried to address federal concerns.
Emergency responders are better served by taking time to carefully consider the weight and maneuverability, material, fit, and maintenance of the suit that could save their lives. This is not a split-second decision.
The grants will be used to demonstrate innovative integrated pest management practices, technologies, outreach and education.
The agency says the project would bury more than 7 miles of headwater streams, impact 2,278 acres of forestland, and degrade stream water quality
The New York City petition would have restricted use and increased cost, according to the Consumer Specialty Products Association trade group.
EPA Region 7 issues compliance order and notice of noncompliance related to a 2005-2006 prison dormitory renovation project in Topeka.