Michigan DEQ Defines Water Protection Outcomes

The Measures of Success document outlines the Department of Environmental Quality's mission, identifies goals, and measurable outcomes for water protection.

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) released its Measures of Success recently, defining the expected outcomes for many of the known issues facing the state's water protection programs.

The document outlines the mission of the DEQ's Water Bureau and identifies five major goals deemed critical to those efforts. Those goals are to ensure safe drinking water; protecting groundwater; enhancing recreational waters; ensuring safe consumable fish; and protecting and restoring aquatic ecosystems. For each major goal, measurable outcomes are identified to determine whether the department is being successful in those efforts.

The DEQ intends to use these goals and measurements to enlist external assistance, encourage cooperation between the public and private sectors, and enhance discussion about strategic adjustments and priority trade-offs. The goals will be reviewed and modified as appropriate.

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