Energy and Climate Change

Alpha Natural Resources' Reorganization Plan Approved

The company's announcement said "Upon emergence, Alpha is expected to operate as a privately held company, positioned well to satisfy its environmental obligations on an ongoing basis."

New Commissioner Named for Alaska Department of Natural Resources

Andy Mack is an advisor to multiple Alaska Native Corporations engaged in oil and gas activities on the North Slope. The governor's announcement said in this role, he helped guide the regulatory drafting and implementation applied to drilling efforts in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas.

The time is right to begin looking beyond the tailpipe and instead consider the full life cycle emissions of vehicles.

North America's Leaders Announce Clean Power Generation Goal

They also committed to accelerated deployment of clean vehicles in government fleets; working with industry to encourage the adoption of clean vehicles; and encouraging public and private infrastructure investments to establish ‎North American refueling corridors for clean vehicles.

Green Building Report Shows Industrial Sector Prioritizes Sustainability

LEED in Motion: Industrial Facilities report from USGBC highlights facilities incorporating LEED and green practices.

PG&E Agrees to Shut Down Diablo Canyon

The Joint Proposal would replace power produced by two nuclear reactors at the Diablo Canyon Power Plant with a cost-effective, greenhouse gas free portfolio of energy efficiency, renewables and energy storage, according to the utility, which has committed to a 55 percent renewable energy target in 2031.

Solar PV Recycling Offers Significant Untapped Business Opportunity

Technical potential of materials recovered from end-of-life solar PV panels could exceed $15 billion by 2050, according to a new report.

Renewable Energy Jobs Continue to Rise

Renewable energy employs 8.1 million people worldwide says a new IRENA report.

USDA Awards $4.5 Million in Rural Community Development Grants and Accepting Applications for New Projects

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack recently announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is awarding more than $4 million in grants to 23 organizations to support rural economic development projects. Secretary Vilsack also announced that USDA is seeking applications for the next round of program funding.

Applications Open for Companies Seeking to Win $4 Million Zayed Future Energy Prize

Prestigious global award recognizes companies, non-profits, and schools contributing to clean energy and sustainability.

DFW International Airport Wins Greenhouse Gas Management Award

The airport management indicated it plans to achieve additional reduction goals by increasing renewable energy and alternative fuel use; by integrating best available energy-efficient technology; and by expanding partnerships with airlines, regulatory agencies, academia, nongovernmental organizations, business associations, and other stakeholders.

BSEE Reports 2,100-Barrel Spill in Gulf of Mexico

The operator, Shell Offshore Inc., reported the oil sheen was observed in the area of its Glider Field. It was about 97 miles south of Port Fourchon, La.

This photo shows some of the first waste being disposed at the WCS Federal Waste Disposal Facility in Andrews, Texas. It opened in June 2013 for disposal of Class A, B and C Low-level Waste and Mixed Low-level Waste, with a licensed capacity of up to 26 million cubic feet. (WCS photo)

Texas Firm Bids for Spent Nuclear Fuel Repository

Waste Control Specialists LLC announced April 28 it has filed an application with the NRC to build and manage a Consolidated Interim Storage Facility.


A CEO's Seven Personal Inputs for Making an Environmentally Sustainable Business

Employees need a leader who integrates sustainable solutions into the company's mindset, focus, and strategy and every-day culture with consistent, coherent actions. Staff members want to work for a leader with a personal commitment to making the company eco-friendly.

NRC, Army Corps Find Environmental Impacts Don't Prevent Licensing Bell Bend Reactor

Talen Energy submitted the application on Oct. 10, 2008, seeking permission to construct and operate a U.S. EPR reactor -- a third-generation pressurized water reactor -- at the site. AREVA Inc., the designer of the U.S. EPR, requested that the NRC staff suspend its safety review of the U.S. EPR design certification application in February 2015, and as a result, the U.S. EPR design certification review and Bell Bend safety review are on hold until further notice.

NRC Considering Friends of the Earth's Petition About Diablo Canyon

FOE filed it Aug. 26, 2014, stating its concerns about the Diablo Canyon Power Plant's operational safety and its ability to safely shut down in the event of a nearby earthquake.

In advance of one storm approaching the Gulf of Mexico, Pemex prepared to evacuate 15,000 workers.

DOI Issues Offshore Well Control Regs

"The well control rule is a vital part of our extensive reform agenda to strengthen, update, and modernize our offshore energy program using lessons learned from Deepwater Horizon," Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell said.

By going green, business owners can obtain the same energy from renewables for half the cost and can avoid future rate hikes.

Earth Day Goes Corporate

When put into hard numbers, the financial benefits of a project that optimally combines solar and efficiency can seem too good to be true.

Enbridge Line 5 RFIs Deadline Extended

Contractors have until April 18 to submit proposals to perform an independent risk analysis and an independent alternatives analysis related to the Enbridge 5 pipelines under the Straits of Mackinac.

Volume 1 covers events leading up to the explosion and fire, and volume 2 contains critical technical analyses of the blowout preventer

Judge Issues Final Order in BP Case

U.S. District Judge Carl Barbier's April 4 order confirms the company's $18.7 billion settlement of federal and state claims announced last July.

BSEE Studies Arctic Response Challenges

The agency has tested a Geo-Referencing Identification Satellite tag project.