Energy and Climate Change

The study found that more than half of the surveyed home builders are building at least 16 percent of their new homes green.

Why It's the Perfect Time to Go Solar

For those on board with renewable energy, the wave of residential solar is exciting. Homeowners can now get solar that once only well-funded government projects had.

Wyoming Becomes 38th NRC Agreement State

The agreement signed Sept. 25 transfers regulatory authority over certain radioactive materials to the state. NRC transferred responsibility for licensing, rulemaking, inspection, and enforcement activities needed to regulate source material involved in uranium or thorium milling and the management and disposal of milling waste.

Pennsylvania Offers Grants for EV Charging Stations

The funding comes from Pennsylvania's $118 million settlement with Volkswagen Group of America for cheating on EPA emissions tests, and the grants and rebates are available through Gov. Tom Wolf's Driving PA Forward initiative, which aims to permanently reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) pollution from vehicles.

NRC Resumes Review of Application to Build Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Facility in Texas

NRC is accepting additional public comments through Oct. 19 on environmental issues to be considered in its environmental impact statement, and the agency has given stakeholders until Oct. 29 to request a hearing.

World's Largest Offshore Wind Farm Opens

Walney Extension's 87 turbines have a total capacity of 659 MW, sufficient to power almost 600,000 UK homes.

NYC's Javits Convention Center to Feature Rooftop Solar Panels

The New York Power Authority is administering the solar photovoltaic Request for Proposals on behalf of the Javits Center that seeks to select a developer to design, construct and own the solar PV system through a Power Purchase Agreement.

SoCal Gas Announces $119.5 Million Gas Leak Settlement

The parties had submitted a tentative consent decree to the Los Angeles County Superior Court on Aug. 8 to settle the litigation over the Aliso Canyon natural gas leak. At least 109,000 metric tons of methane emissions were released during the leak at the Aliso Canyon natural gas storage facility, according to CARB.

$200 Million More Approved for Hanford Cleanup

"This land and groundwater cleanup is an important puzzle piece in the larger Hanford Project," said EPA Regional Administrator Chris Hladick. "Since these areas are virtually on the banks of the Columbia River, this work to further reduce toxic and radiological threats to the river is particularly important."

Washington State Strengthens UST Compliance Rules

Changes the state Department of Ecology has adopted will make the program more effective by streamlining requirements and aligning the rule with state and federal laws.

Colorado Taking Action on Orphaned Oil & Gas Wells

By Aug. 1, the state's Oil and Gas Conservation Commission will produce an updated list of all such sites known to exist in the state. Gov. John Hickenlooper's executive order expands state efforts to plug, remediate, and reclaim them and to prevent additional wells and sites from being orphaned in the future.

EPA, NM Sign Agreement on Increased Recycling of O&G Wastewater

"New Mexico is currently the third largest oil producer in the United States, and that oil is accompanied by even larger quantities of water. Clarifying the state and federal regulatory frameworks associated with its recycling and reuse is of the utmost importance," said New Mexico Energy, Minerals and Natural Resources Cabinet Secretary Ken McQueen.

California became the first state to require solar panels to be installed on almost all new homes built after 2020.

Top Tips to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

The development of renewable energy technologies has given us plenty of new and energy-efficient products used for homes and home appliances.

PA DEP Unveils Strategies to Boost Use of Solar Power

Five main strategies, incorporating both decentralized approaches (e.g., solar panels on homes) and larger, utility-grid-scale development, were analyzed in the draft plan.

NYC Department of Buildings Seeks 2019 Energy Code Advisory Committee Members

Applications from those seeking to be considered for 2019 Energy Code Advisory Committee membership must submit a completed application no later than June 21. Residential applications are especially needed, according to the department's posted announcement.

DOE Funding Projects to Support Advanced Nuclear Plant Designs

The MEITNER projects will leverage design, new manufacturing processes, and technologies to lower costs and increase the competitiveness of nuclear power; these funded projects will support advanced reactor designs that achieve lower construction cost and autonomous operations while improving safety.

California Investing in Cleaner School Buses

In all, California Climate Investments will fund about 150 cleaner school buses across the state, including zero-emission battery electric models and conventional models using renewable diesel. The year-old Rural School Bus Pilot Project has received $25 million in cap-and-trade funding to fund as many as 60 of those new school buses statewide in rural areas.

Siemens Gamesa to Build Australian Wind Farm with Storage Battery

The company's contract with the renewable energy company Neoen calls for Siemens Gamesa to build the entire complex and then maintain it for 25 years.

GAO Recommends Eliminating Coal Mine Operators' Self-Bonding

GAO found that state agencies and OSMRE report they hold approximately $10.2 billion in surety bonds, collateral bonds, and self-bonds as financial assurances for coal mine reclamation. The stakeholders GAO interviewed identified several challenges OSMRE and state agencies face in managing financial assurances, citing industry bankruptcies and lower coal demand.

West Virginia Debuts Webpage on Pipeline Projects

Information available on the page includes maps of the proposed pipeline routes and a link to WVDEP's searchable online database where additional information, such as any inspection and enforcement actions and any permit modifications, can be found.

Deadline Nears for Michigan Energy Excellence Awards

Anne Armstrong Cusack, Michigan Agency for Energy acting executive director, says the contest "is a chance to celebrate leaders in innovation all over the state. Past winners have cut energy usage without sacrificing productivity or comfort. They have seen firsthand that the cheapest, most reliable, and greenest energy is the energy you don't need."