
Experts Doubt Bisphenol A Risky for Humans

A commentary and a paper say the latest research "closes the door" on claims the chemical is an environmental hazard of concern.

boulder at night

UW Study Finds Nitryl Chloride Away from Coastline

The University of Washington research says chloride atoms can contribute to smog formation in coastal areas but finding them inland was a bit of a surprise.

Chemical Signatures Track Contaminants in Fish, Maybe People

The University of Michigan led a study exploring the sources of mercury to ocean fish.

Satellite Data Provides Better Estimate of Glacier Melt, Study Says

French-led research team recalculates rate of glacier melt in Alaska from .0067 inches to sea level rise per year to .0047 inches during the period between 1962 and 2006.

IDC Wins $7,000 Grant for Energy Optimization Research

A Missouri University of Science and Technology student-run company recently received a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency grant to study how to optimize home energy usage.

Companies Say They Will Report, Reduce Emissions without Regulation

The Climate Registry's survey reveals that its members are motivated by business reasons: expected cost of carbon and consumer pressure to be green.

NYSERDA Gives $1.5 M to Set Up Clean Energy Incubator

Stony Brook University will host the Long Island High Technology Incubator on its campus.

Clemson, UNC, GT Get Research Grants for Climate Impacts

EPA has invested nearly $17 million for research on climate change impacts and distributed it to 25 universities.

New Method May Lower Toxicity of Antimicrobial Silver

University of Helsinki chemists think that exposure to silver can be reduced by chemically binding the nanoparticles to polymers.

Study: Small Family Farms Better in Tropics

University of Michigan researchers claim that small family farms can match or exceed productivity of industrial scale operations in tropical zones, and maintain biodiversity.

$17 M Supports Research on Climate Change Impacts

Twenty-five universities to explore public health and environmental facets of climate change.

Fungal Fumes Clear Out Crop Pests

Scientists at Agricultural Research Service labs tested the effectiveness of Muscodor albus for controlling bunt disease in wheat crops in lieu of synthetic pesticides.

Ocean Waves May Trigger Antarctic Ice Shelf Collapse

Researchers propose that southbound traveling infragravity waves may be a key mechanical agent that contributes to the production and/or expansion of the pre-existing crevasse fields on ice shelves.

Southern Antarctic Peninsula from 1947 to 2009

USGS: Ice Shelves Disappearing on Antarctic Peninsula

U.S. Geological Survey says retreating ice shelves could result in sea-level rise and threaten coastal communities and low-lying islands worldwide.

Strategic Directions in the Electric Utility Industry Survey

U.S. Electric Utility Survey Reflects Impact of Uncertainty

Respondents see future for coal power generation even as plans for wind and solar increase, said Black & Veatch.

Green Chemists Pull Out Catalysts for Reuse

McGill University chemists developed a catalyst that involves the nanoparticles of a simple iron magnet.

Regenesis Management Group Aligns with Colorado State

New research alliance will focus on water conservation research.

UC-Davis Team Reviews Mitigation Efficacies of Vegetated Buffers

Scientists from the University of California, Davis developed statistical models and found that width, type, and slope of the buffer influence its efficacy.

Household Dust Can Include Lead and Arsenic, Study Says

University of Arizona scientists used a computer model to track distribution of contaminated soil and airborne particulates into residences from outdoors.