
Jane Goodall Institute to Expand Conservation with USAID Grant

The $5.5 million will enable the institute and its partners to continue work in western Tanzania for endangered species, including chimpanzees.

WERF to Administer $10 M for Infrastructure Technology Studies

EPA provided funding to the Water Environment Research Foundation through a cooperative agreement to evaluate new technologies that address aging U.S. water and wastewater infrastructure.

USGS-sponsored Study to Uncover Mineral Supplies

The U.S. Geological Survey says information about copper, lithium, rare earth elements, uranium, and phosphate resources is important for security and land-use decisions.

Baylor Study Links Phosphorus Level to Water, Plant Declines

Using the Baylor Experimental Aquatic Research stream facility, researchers found that concentrations above 20 parts per billion resulted in more algae growth and lower dissolved oxygen.

USDA Grant Targets Drought Tolerance, Aflatoxin in Corn

Texas AgriLife Research scientists study the ways that genes interact in corn breeding in an effort to control problems related to weather.

Development Threatens U.S. Conservation Areas

Data from a University of Wisconsin-Madison study found that 940,000 housing units were built between 1940 and 2000 in private land inside the boundaries of national forests.

Engineered Tobacco Plants May Have Use as Biofuel

By manipulating two genes, scientists have developed a tobacco plant that expresses more oil, which could be used for biofuel.

Sandia Labs Develop Competitive Microphotovoltaic Cells

Photovoltaic modules made from these microsized cells for the rooftops of homes and warehouses could have intelligent controls, inverters and even storage built in at the chip level, says one field engineer.

South Dakota State Builds a Better Scope for Solar

A photoactivated, scanning probe microscope will be designed to identify defects that limit solar cell efficiency.

Stanford Researcher Estimates Grapevines Lose 10% of Water

The irrigation water typically speeds through soil cracks without interacting with the soil, says Eve Hinckley.

DOE to Pay $9 M for Water Power Technology Contract

Sandia National Laboratories and other labs will provide research and testing for marine and hydrokinetic energy and hydropower.

EPA Baseline Study Finds 56% of Lakes in Good Condition

The National Lakes Assessment sampled 1,028 lakes and concluded that 44 percent are in fair or poor condition.

Meltwater Role More Complicated in Glacier Ice Loss, Researchers Say

Scientists studying glaciers discussed their research at the American Geophysical Union Meeting on Dec. 16.

Argonne Recruits Bacteria to Power Mini Machines

Argonne Lab and Northwestern University researchers put Bacillus subtilis to work, using the bacteria's swimming motion to turn microgears suspended in solution.

ACS Magazine Probes Global Warming Cause - Human or Nature?

Chemical & Engineering News' latest cover story interviews representatives on both sides of the debate.

Enzyme Impact on Soil Release of CO2 Now in Climate Models

Alabama researchers collaborate with 18 others to incorporate the role carbonic anhydrase plays in soil carbon dioxide exchanges.

Sandia's $4.2 M Stimulus Funds to Support Vehicle Battery Study

BATLab will be able to increase testing on low-cost lithium-ion batteries for electric and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles.

U.S. Soils, Forest Store Only 30% of Annual Carbon Emissions

U.S. Geological Survey finds that the United States emits about 1.6 billion metric tons of carbon annually.

Enzymes Help Plants Sense High CO2, May Lead to Water-wise Crops

Biologists have identified plant enzymes that may help to engineer plants that take advantage of elevated carbon dioxide to use water more efficiently.