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The city council of Portland, Ore. voted unanimously to fluoridate the city's drinking water starting next year. What's your opinion about fluoridation of drinking water?
If retail stores started charging 20 cents per bag at the checkout line, would you be more inclined to bring your own bag with you?
The USDA has announced a new strategy to promote the use of wood as a green building material. Does that seem right to you?
Do you think algae holds promise for commercial-scale biofuel at prices competitive with or better than current oil prices?
EPA has reported that the federal government's monitoring system has not detected radiation at any levels of concern. Do you think that Japan's nuclear crisis will impact the West Coast of the United States?
Does last week's earthquake-inspired scare at a Japanese nuclear power plant make you reconsider your support for nuclear energy?
If Environmental Protection provided a platform for book reviews, would you be interested in writing them, if you got to keep the book? (Send e-mail to
[email protected]
for details.)
Oscar nominees sporting water droplet pins were trying to increase awareness of threats, notably fracking, to the U.S. water supply in an initiative by Do you think actors should use an awards platform for such a cause?
As President Obama and Republican lawmakers play politics with the deficit, the budgets of EPA and other agencies that have responsibility for environmental protection are being cut. Which program do you think should not be cut in FY 2012?
A General Services Administration tool suggests that bamboo flooring is not sustainable because its production has social impacts on labor and requires transit energy. The material also contains little to no recycled material and can negatively impact ecosystems and indoor air quality. Do you include social impact considerations when determining sustainability?
Do you believe as one Environmental Protection site visitor does that reuse and recycling will be stopped by EPA's new definition of solid waste and the proposed commercial and industrial boiler solid waste incinerator rules?
Would you support a climate tax on meat, milk and eggs to reduce greenhouse gases?
Do you think low turnout by industrial representatives to an EPA public hearing on its greenhouse gas permits means low interest?
Do you think EPA should collaborate with mining companies to help them control discharges to waterways and perform their work more effectively?
If you own a car now, would you trade it in over the next five years for an electric vehicle if your community had ample charging stations?
The World Health Organization and EPA have said that radon gas was a leading cause of lung cancer for nonsmokers in 2010. Have you encountered radon gas in your work?
EPA is temporarily taking over permitting authority in seven states so large emitters of greenhouse gases can comply with the January 2011 deadline. How long do you think it will take these states to update their permitting?
A new Environmental Working Group study has found that many U.S. cities have dangerous levels of hexavalent chromium in their treated drinking water. Do you think the EPA should address this issue?
New York Gov. Paterson has halted fracking in his state until July. Do you think all states should follow suit?
EPA turned 40 last week. Did you join in any celebrations?
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