Inhofe Details Climate Security Bill Flaws

The minority of the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee has released a white paper detailing the severe economic impacts of America's Climate Security Act – S.2191 (Lieberman-Warner) bill.

Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), ranking member, said the committee has added a new Web page on the minority portion of the committee's Web site dedicated to providing an online resource center that will serve as a central hub for all information exposing the flaws of the Lieberman-Warner bill. The Web site address is

"On June 2, 2008, Senate Democrats have vowed to bring forward global warming cap-and-trade legislation before the United States Senate that, if passed, would drastically increase the already skyrocketing cost of energy at the pump and in our homes as well as cost millions of American jobs – all for no environmental gain," Inhofe said. "Yet despite the enormous financial burden this bill would impose on American families and American workers, the Senate has yet to fully examine and debate this bill.

"To help facilitate the debate and provide information to the American people about the severe economic ramifications of this bill, I am releasing a white paper that incorporates all of the most recent government and private group sector economic analyses of the bill.

"I am confident that when my Senate colleagues examine the facts about the enormous economic burdens this bill will impose on the American people, they too will oppose it," he said.