
The study found that more than half of the surveyed home builders are building at least 16 percent of their new homes green.

Green Home Building Still Strong, Survey Shows

"Builders and remodelers have long recognized that green is the future of home building," NAHB Chairman Tom Woods said. "Since we first began partnering on this study with Dodge Data & Analytics in 2006, we've seen that commitment grow."

Pollution Prevention Grant Aids NYC Restaurants

"This project will help restaurant owners reduce food waste and reduce the use of pesticides and chemicals, while also conserving energy and water. By taking steps to eliminate waste at the source, New York City restaurants can become models for sustainable practices," said EPA Regional Administrator Judith A. Enck.

Most U.S. adults expect food and beverage brands to actively help increase recycling of their packages.

Don't Overlook the Carton

For 2016, we are excited about the outlook of carton recycling. As much progress as we've made thus far, we are always looking forward to more.

"The plan underscores the importance of implementing the projects in the state water plan. Without those projects in place, Texas will face an 8.9 million acre-foot shortage of water in 2070 in a drought and economic losses of approximately $151 billion by 2070," said Peter Lake, a member of the Texas Water Development Board.

Meeting 2025 Water Efficiency Standards Today

It is expected that EO 13693 will be adopted by many private buildings and facilities as they seek ways to be greener and more sustainable.

Lighting in common areas of the Pentagon has been reduced during October 2015 to weekend levels, both to cut the mammoth building

Pentagon Lights Dimmed This Month

Lighting levels in common areas throughout the mammoth building are dimmed to the level used on weekends, in order to reduce the building's monthly utility bill of about $1.5 million and to motivate the 25,000 people working there to think about their energy use and ways to be more efficient.

New York Receives Millions in Funding for Five New Clean Energy Projects

Governor Cuomo recently announced $175 million has been awarded to New York for clean energy projects to add to the state’s electric grid.

DOE Selects Nonprofit for Housing Innovations Award

Sacramento, Calif.-based Mutual Housing California has been selected by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for a 2015 Housing Innovations Award.

Mutual Housing California Receives Grant from NeighborWorks America

Sacramento-based nonprofit Mutual Housing California recently received a $442,700 grant from NeighborWorks America to underwrite the organization’s activities and to continue developing rental housing in the Sacramento region.

NOAA Helping Washington State Monitor Algae Bloom

NOAA announced it is committing $88,000 in grant and event response funding to monitor and analyze an unusually large bloom of toxic algae off the state's coast.


Let's Be Frank about Fracking: Is Unconventional Gas and Oil Drilling Really Worth It?

Linked to earthquakes, water contamination, and general pollution, fracking becomes more controversial by the day. Meanwhile, 13,000 new wells are being drilled every year. There have been over a thousand documented cases of water contamination next to areas of gas drilling—cases of sensory, respiratory, cardiovascular and neurological damage. From the water we drink to the ground beneath our feet, is it too late to ask, “What gives?”

Pollution Versus Pollination: Losing Our Natural Resources from A to Zinc

Pollution Versus Pollination: Losing Our Natural Resources from A to Zinc

Two new studies are highlighting the decreasing numbers of food pollinators and the increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide.

EPA Revising USTs Regulation

"These changes will better protect people's health and benefit the environment in communities across the country by improving prevention and detection of underground storage tank releases," said Mathy Stanislaus, assistant administrator of EPA's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response.

UK Court Fines Recycling Firm After Amputation

A worker was seriously injured when his arm became trapped in a conveyor belt he was maintaining.

EPA Honors Winners of 2015 Safer Choice Partner Awards

To qualify for the Safer Choice label (formerly named "Design for the Environment"), a product must meet EPA's Safer Choice Standard, which is based on human health and environmental criteria.

Construction Company Chosen for Sustainable Surf Park

After the initial fill, NLand Surf Park's lagoon will be 100 percent sustainable with rainwater, even in drought conditions, according to the companies involved.

Louisiana Utility Launches Refrigerator Recycling Program

Cleco Corp. will pay customers $50 to have outdated, working refrigerators and freezers picked up at their homes and hauled away to be recycled.

Mutual Housing at Spring Lake Receives First National ZERH Certification for Multifamily Rental Property

Mutual Housing California just received certification from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) of the first multifamily Zero Energy Ready Home for a rental development in the nation.

A new report by the ACEEE places Boston as the most energy efficient city, with New York City, Washington DC, San Francisco, and Seattle closing up the top five efficient cities.

America’s Most Energy Efficient Cities

A new report by the ACEEE places Boston as the most energy efficient city, with New York City, Washington DC, San Francisco, and Seattle closing up the top five efficient cities.

Always-On Devices Waste Billions of Electricity Each Year

Approximately $19 billion worth of electricity, equal to the output of 50 large power plants, is devoured annually by U.S. household electronics, appliances, and other equipment when consumers are not actively using them.

New Pig Launches Grant Program

"With our customers' environmental expertise, plus funding, PIG products, and leadership, we believe this program can make measurable improvements in communities around the country," said Doug LaPlante, New Pig's vice president, Strategy.