"Most industries that currently flare their waste gases will soon be able to use these waste gases productively while also significantly reducing their emissions of waste gases into the atmosphere. This is great news for our world's air quality and great news for the financial bottom lines of the industries that currently emit these greenhouse gases into the atmosphere," said Alain Castro, CEO of Ener-Core.
The EPA has announced the first apartment/condo buildings to receive ENERGY STAR certifications. 17 properties across the country were recognized.
More than 150 new recycling bins in Lower Manhattan are increasing waste collection efficiency, BigBelly Solar reports.
A new report from the nonpartisan business group Environmental Entrepreneurs (E2) shows that more than 18,000 clean energy and clean transportation jobs were announced in more than 20 states in the third quarter of 2014, a significant uptick from both the previous quarter and a year ago.
With the iconic Paris tower's first floor renovation completed, most of the coverage and commentary has focused on its new glass floor.
All you need to do, as the owner, is appraise the device based on its condition, model, and manufacturer and then send it in to Verizon with a pre-paid envelope.
The agency's Health Hazard Evaluation Program is seeking five facilities to participate. A team of industrial hygienists and medical officers will make site visits to assess workers' occupational exposures.
U.S. Bank recently gave a $15,000 grant to the Sacramento nonprofit Mutual Housing California to begin planning the green renovation of one of communities.
With a grant provided by the EPA, the New Mexico Department of Environmental Quality will be working to promote sustainability and pollution prevention on a state-wide basis.
George Rogers Clark High School in Lexington, Ky. received Center of Excellence sustainability award for its geothermal and chilled beam design.
Though many states are making headway in the realm of waste reduction, there are many cities that have decided to take matters into their own hands.
Upon completion of the $62.8 million Georgia State University College of Law Building, a LEED Silver certification will be awarded to the new building.
A new technology recycling service, offered by a partnership between Staples Advantage and Electronic Recyclers International, Inc., will allow businesses to recycle large amounts of electronics.
The organization sheds light on families returning to damaged villages post-war.
Every country faces growing problems of scarce water, poor sanitation, and soil erosion, the 2014 Human Development Report states.
Enterprise Community Partners gives a $40,000 grant to Mutual Housing CA for green transit-oriented development with first rooftop farm in area.
EU countries would ban burying recyclable waste in landfills after 2025 and recycle 70 percent of municipal waste and 80 percent of packaging by 2030.
The Ohio EPA has given more than $36,000 for an environmental education grant that will allow students in Cincinnati to learn environmental science while also restoring Salway Park as part of a community service project.
A new international project studied biodiversity in agriculture, and the research team discovered that farming practices and the number of habitats play a large role in obtaining that biodiversity.
A pilot program of a public transit energy storage system (ESS) has been launched in Pennsylvania. The program would make the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transit Authority a producer of energy, rather than an energy consumer.