Global Climate Change

Carbon Dioxide Atmospheric Concentration Hits Record

"Without rapid cuts in CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions, we will be heading for dangerous temperature increases by the end of this century, well above the target set by the Paris climate change agreement," said WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas. "Future generations will inherit a much more inhospitable planet.

Oil Companies' Climate Group Makes First Investments

OGCI Climate Investments is a billion-dollar investment fund established last year by OGCI to invest in promising technologies and business models that have the potential to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions; the fund is building a network of partners and co-investors in key sectors.

GAO Estimates Benefits of Preparing USA for Climate Change

The study estimated coastal property losses from rising seas and more frequent, more intense storms could range from $51 billion to $74 billion per year late in this century.

New UNEP Reports Aid in Coral Reef Protection

"A Guide to Assessing Coral Reef Resilience for Decision Support" will help environmental planners and managers assess, map, and monitor coral reef resilience and use the results to prioritize management actions that support resilience in the face of climate change.

This image shows Arctic sea ice on Sept. 13, 2017, when the ice reached its annual minimum. The yellow line marks the 30-year average minimum sea ice extent from 1981 through 2010. (Credit: NASA

End-of-Summer Arctic Sea Ice Extent Eighth-Lowest on Record

And Antarctica is heading to its maximum yearly sea ice extent, which typically occurs in September or early October. NASA reported this year's maximum extent is likely to be among the five lowest in the satellite record — a continuation of the low extents in 2015 and 2016.

Affected Florida Counties Urged to Accelerate Debris Cleanup

Plans submitted to the department will be posted publicly on its website. All of the plans must include an estimated date of completion, and any county that plans to request reimbursement for debris removal following Irma must submit a plan.

Environmental Impact of Harvey Still Unknown, Expected to be "Dire"

Environmental Impact of Harvey Still Unknown, Expected to be "Dire"

At best, experts said that the long-term environmental health consequences of the storm will be “dire.”

Canada Creates Climate Change Panel of Experts

The panel will support the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, which is Canada's plan to meet its greenhouse gas emissions reduction target, build resilience to the impacts of climate change, and create clean growth and jobs through investments in clean technology, innovation, and infrastructure.

Cal FIRE Awards Grants to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Sequester Carbon

Landowners will retain ownership of their land and will not be restricted from using it for activities such as timber harvest, hunting, fishing, and hiking; the grants will protect more than 28,285 acres of forests from development.

Two August Meetings to Address Hawaii's Vulnerability to Sea-Level Rise

The meeting seek residents' input as state officials develop a Sea Level Rise Vulnerability and Adaptation Report for the 2018 Hawaii State Legislature. It will be the first state-wide assessment of the impacts of sea-level rise on Hawaii's coastal areas.

CARB Approves First VW Electric Vehicle Plan

Volkswagen will invest $800 million on zero-emission infrastructure in the next decade, part of its settlement with state and federal agencies for using a "defeat device" that caused in 2009-2016 diesel cars to emit far more nitrogen oxide than allowed.

Emergency Grazing Approved for Parts of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota

"We are working to immediately address the dire straits facing drought-stricken farmers and ranchers," U.S. Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said. "USDA is fully considering and authorizing any federal programs or related provisions we have available to meet the immediate needs of impacted producers."

New Orleans Climate Plan Calls for Reducing Waste, Using More Clean Fuels

"In New Orleans, we face a triple threat: subsidence, coastal erosion, and sea level rise. This strategy will help us transition to a low-carbon economy that not only helps manage our climate risk, but also creates new businesses, jobs, and wealth," Mayor Mitch Landrieu said.

Examples of the $1.2 billion in investments to date include electric transit buses and charging stations in the San Joaquin Valley.

California State Leaders File Legislation to Extend Cap-and-Trade Program

"The Legislature is taking action to curb climate change and protect vulnerable communities from industrial poisons," said Gov. Jerry Brown.


Waste as an Energy Source: the Path to a Low-Carbon Economy

Climate change, renewable energy, low-carbon economy: For some, these are catchwords and arguments for a global ecological rethink. For others, they stand for a business segment that couples environmentally friendly technologies with a clear vision to ensure we can leave a world worth living in for future generations.

California Reaches $599 Million in Zero-Emission Vehicle Investments

So far, California Climate Investments have supported electric school buses in Sacramento, electric yard trucks in Fontana, hydrogen-powered buses in the Coachella Valley, and a fleet of electric delivery trucks for Goodwill Industries in the Bay Area.

Seattle Transit Agency Signs On for Clean Power

"By operating Link light rail on green power starting in 2019, Sound Transit will offer transit users a carbon-neutral option for leaving their cars behind and help reduce the region's greenhouse gas emissions," said Sound Transit CEO Peter Rogoff.

CDP and UL EHSS Announce Alliance

Their strategic alliance will develop UL EHSS' new sector-based reporting platform as part of the "Reimagining disclosure" initiative. The new platform will help ensure more comprehensive reporting for companies, investors, and cities.

ICAO Adopts New CO2 Emissions Standard for Aircraft

It will apply to new aircraft type designs starting in 2020 and to aircraft type designs already in production as of 2023. In-production aircraft that by 2028 do not meet the standard will no longer be able to be produced unless their designs are sufficiently modified.

Canada Investing $40 Million on Shielding Infrastructure Against Extreme Weather Events

The country's National Research Council and Infrastructure Canada are conducting research and also upgrading codes, specifications, guidelines, and assessment tools.