Lawsuit Filed Against ExxonMobil for Pegasus Oil Spill in Arkansas

The state of Arkansas and the United States have filed a joint complain against ExxonMobil Pipeline Company and ExxonMobil for the for the heavy crude oil spill that took place from the Pegasus Pipeline in Mayflower, Ark. on March 29, 2013.

According to the filed complaint, the ruptured pipeline spilled oil into a residential neighborhood in Mayflower which then flowed directly into waterways, creeks, and Lake Conway. Some residents had to evacuate their homes and the oil has contaminated land, water, wildlife and their habitats, and the well-being of the residents.

The oil spill happened on March 29, 2013 and cleanup in still underway, with some residents still not allowed to return to their homes due to the amount of contamination still present in the area. So far, six complaints have been filed against ExxonMobil, along with Arkansas seeking civil penalties for the Arkansas Hazardous Waste Management Act and the Arkansas Water and Air Pollution Control Act violations. Arkansas is also asking that ExxonMobil pay for all cleanup fees and damages caused by the spill.