Dr. Goose Advises a Multi-faceted Approach to Get Rid of Pests

Canada geese can spell big trouble. Their numbers have increased exponentially, turning the species from a beloved migrant visitor to a destructive nuisance.

Emeritus professor of biology Philip Whitford, Ph.D., has spent a lifetime studying Canada geese – especially what makes them go away.

The first and only researcher to capture the rare goose "alarm" call in a recording, Whitford specializes in the vocalizations of geese. Working with Pest Bird Companies like Bird-X, Inc., a leading industry authority, over a number of years he has developed and tested an "alarm and alert" call playback device called the GooseBuster®. Its four speakers relay digital, lifelike recordings of these natural warning calls across a wide area. Humans hear a familiar, haunting, call-of-the-wild cry; but to pest geese, these wilderness sounds signal danger.

For all problem geese situations, the doctor advises a multi-faceted approach. Controlling pest geese is an ongoing task, based on scientifically sound insight and research. Since geese are protected, their eggs may only be oiled or addled with a permit. Success may combine habitat alteration with taste aversions, visual and (most importantly) sonic scares to persuade these beautiful but messy visitors to move on.

It’s vital to understand the geese, because their behavior is affected by instincts that may work for or against attempts to control them. Their eyesight and hearing are far more acute than humans.

Fully certified by the Federal Aviation Administration as an airport wildlife hazard management consultant, Whitford is now available to assist in implementing wildlife management plans for airports.

Certified FAA wildlife hazard management consultants advise airports on wildlife population management and dispersal techniques, endangered species act compliance, wetlands mitigation, pesticide usage, drafting and implementation of integrated wildlife hazard management programs, and review of applicable local, state, and federal laws, regulations, and ordinances under the requirements of Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 139.