Conservation Makeovers a Plus for San Antonio Homes

The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) joined San Antonio City Councilwoman Jennifer V. Ramos recently to tour a home in her district taking part in Conservation Makeover, a home improvement program providing water efficient toilets and fixtures to qualifying homes with limited incomes.

SAWS has already converted 110 homes in southern San Antonio this month, just as winter averaging begins.

“I’m pleased to see SAWS taking these steps to save San Antonians both water and money,” said Ramos. “Conservation is key for San Antonio’s continued success and providing this free service allows the entire community to take part in saving water for our future.”

As part of Conservation Makeover, SAWS conducts a free assessment for qualified homeowners to identify water leaks and less water-friendly fixtures. SAWS then contracts with a licensed plumber to retrofit the homes. The plumber installs high efficiency fixtures, such as toilets, showerheads and faucet aerators, and repairs minor fresh water leaks. This free plumbing assessment and service has a value of $200 - $500 and can save homeowners money on their water bill each month.

Through Conservation Makeover, SAWS is retrofitting more than 300 homes this year, including 110 homes in Ramos’ district. Homeowners are encouraged to participate based on a number of factors, including income and participation in other SAWS conservation programs. All services and fixtures are provided free of charge to qualifying SAWS customers.

Replacing a water-wasting toilet with a new high efficiency model may save up to 12,500 gallons of water a year, and installing water-saving showerheads and faucet aerators may conserve an additional 10,850 gallons annually.