Air Quality Guidance for Oil and Gas Companies in Pennsylvania

Air Aggregation guidelines for oil and gas operations were announced by Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Mike Krancer on Oct. 5, 2012.

These air quality guidelines apply to permitting sources of emissions from the exploration, extraction, and the production of oil and gas. The Pennsylvania Bulletin will post the final guidance that has been issued by the DEP. This bulletin will discuss how the DEP determines when to permit or aggregate emission sources. DEP regulates air emissions in oil and gas industries through general and operating permits, and air quality plan approvals. Under these regulations, the operations of low emission sources are given authorization. A revised general permit will be announced for oil and gas compressor stations within the next few months.

These air quality guidelines have now been finalized by the DEP and have been effective since Oct.6, 2012. To observe the final guidance that has been published in the Bulletin or for more information, please visit