NAFA Offers Fleet Maintenance Operations Guide

Now available, the Fleet Maintenance Operations Guide provides 540 pages of detailed information and answers to the questions fleet managers face every day.

NAFA's Fleet Maintenance Operations Guide is a comprehensive resource for fleet managers, whether they work for a large corporation, government entity, university, or any other fleet sector. Chapters explore the essential maintenance principles of in-house, contracted, and outsourced maintenance through such titles as "Preventive Maintenance & Warranty Operations," "Shop Operations," "Environmental Issues," "Inventory Management," "Benchmarking Staff Performance," "Outsourcing," and "Maintenance Staffing."

The Fleet Maintenance Operation Guide is available as an e-download that can be taken anywhere or on CD. The price for NAFA members is $49 for the e-download or $69 for the CD. Non-member price is $82 for the e-download and $99 for the CD.

NAFA Fleet Management Association is a not-for-profit, individual membership professional society serving the needs of members who manage fleets of sedans, public safety vehicles, trucks, and buses of all types and sizes, and a wide range of military and off-road equipment for organizations across the globe.