Asset Management Meeting Slated for November

The American Water Works Association and the International Water Association are coordinating the 2009 Leading-Edge Asset Management (LESAM) Conference on Nov. 11-13 in Miami, Fla.

Water and wastewater companies operating all around the world are facing rising asset management and replacement costs, often at levels that are financially unsustainable. LESAM 2009 will focus on the techniques, technologies and management approaches aimed at optimizing the investment in infrastructure while achieving demands for increased customer service standards. 

The event is designed to help utility managers, regulators, consultants, and researchers. The topics will include:

  • Approaches to asset management
  • Asset management on the national level
  • Asset management on the utility level
  • Standardizing asset management concepts
  • Sustainability
  • Knowledge transfer
  • Asset management models and tools

Registration will be available in August.