SFWMD Offers Online Conservation Calculator

The Southwest Florida Water Management District is unveiling a new tool to help residents determine how much water they can conserve at home.

The new tool is an online water conservation calculator that allows residents to estimate how much water they use and provides tips on how they can reduce that amount.

Participants will then have the opportunity to pledge to conserve at least 10 percent of their daily use. The tool can be found at WaterMatters.org/powerof10/. Residents who take the pledge will be entered into a monthly drawing. The grand prize is a rain barrel, and second prize is a micro-irrigation kit.

April is traditionally one of the driest months of the year and typically marks the start of the peak demand season for public water suppliers. Many residents begin increasing their lawn irrigation due to the dry conditions and rising temperatures. These factors, combined with the ongoing drought and the associated water shortage, make April an appropriate time to highlight the need for water conservation.