ICF to Support EPA’s Health Risk Assessment Efforts

ICF Incorporated, LLC, a subsidiary of ICF International, announced on March 9 that it won a new contract with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s National Center for Environmental Assessment (NCEA). The five-year agreement, which started in February, is valued at up to $21 million.

NCEA serves to bridge the agency’s research and regulatory functions. Under the contract, ICF will support NCEA’s efforts to conduct risk assessments on chemicals, chemical mixtures, microorganisms, and other environmental stressors. As part of that support, ICF will assist NCEA in developing state-of-the-art methods, models, databases, and guidance documents for human health risk assessment. Specific tasks include analyzing toxicological data; evaluating human exposures; conducting statistical analyses and modeling; conducting risk assessment studies; reviewing research and developing documentation to assess EPA's National Ambient Air Quality Standards; and developing software and documentation for risk assessment databases and computer tools.

"The ICF Team offers the ideal combination of internationally recognized experts, proven management practices, and a large staff of credentialed scientists, all of which provide NCEA with ready access to a wide variety of risk assessment capabilities," stated John Cowdery, senior vice president for Environment, Planning, & Infrastructure. "We are pleased to have this opportunity to extend our long-term relationship of providing risk assessment support to EPA and look forward to bringing new energy and perspectives to help NCEA accomplish its mission."