Indoor Air Group Calls for Papers

The Indoor Air Quality Association's 12th Annual Meeting takes place Feb. 24-26, 2009 and combines exposition halls with the Air Conditioning Contractors of America for the largest Indoor Air Expo ever held. The Air Conditioning Contractors' 41st Annual Meeting will take place simultaneous to that of association, and those in attendance will have opportunities to participate in both conventions.

The association has issued a call for papers and submittals are due by July 31. Persons interested in giving technical presentations must submit an abstract no more than 400 words in length that gives the title of the presentation and a brief description of its contents. Submittals also must include the speaker's biography and must distinguish whether the presentation could be 45, 60, or 90 minutes in length. Final selections will be made by Sept. 1, and a technical program will be published shortly thereafter. Send your submittal to [email protected] or by fax to 301-231-8321.

Indoor air quality program topics are diverse, but presentations focused on the following topics are particularly desired: building science, investigations, green building programs, environmental restoration and remediation, microbial issues, air cleaning, asthma and allergies, and medical consequences of exposure to indoor contaminants.

Attendee registration for the 12th Annual Meeting will open in late summer 2008.

The Indoor Air Quality Association is a nonprofit, multi-disciplined organization, dedicated to promoting the exchange of indoor environmental information, through education and research, for the safety and well being of the general public. For more information, visit