
Lack of Riparian Cover May Affect Stream Temperature

A Georgia Southern University study analyzed stream water temperatures at six different golf courses in South Carolina.


Snakes in the Glades

Five large, non-native snake species may rattle Fla. ecosystem.

Agency, D.C. to Collaborate on Watersheds, Green Programs

Agreement, stimulus funds should help District of Columbia advance its environmental priorities.

USGS Measures High Chloride Levels in 40% of Tested Streams

Chloride found at levels that can harm aquatic life in northern U.S. urban streams.

Agencies Close Part of Emory River for Ash Cleanup

EPA and TVA are still removing ash from the Emory River and have closed sections to ensure safety at the site.

EPA's Chesapeake Plan Requires More Runoff Control

In May, President Obama established a committee of federal agencies to develop a plan for restoring and protecting Chesapeake Bay and they now have proposed strategies to accelerate cleanup.

Gulf Guardian to Hand out Awards, Celebrates 10 Years

The Gulf of Mexico Program initiated the Gulf Guardian awards in 2000 to recognize and honor the businesses, community groups, individuals, and agencies that are taking positive steps to keep the Gulf healthy, beautiful and productive.

Virginia Tech Checks Impacts of Coal Mining on Water

The researchers are looking into the effectiveness of stream restoration activities and associations between total dissolved solids and aquatic benthic macroinvertebrates.

Animal Waste Accounts for Two-thirds of Bacteria in 2 Watersheds

A Maryland Department of the Environment and Salisbury University study found that wildlife and dog waste are significant sources of bacteria in the watersheds of eight Anne Arundel County waterways.

UMass Buoys Track Bacteria in Neponset River

The two-year program tracks near-shore climate conditions around Boston Harbor, measuring colored dissolved organic matter.

NRCS Uses Society Results in Restoring Streams

Wildlife Conservation Society study shows woody vegetation leads to more diverse and abundant riparian birds, which can add value to a stream assessment.

LID Is Part of Answer to Water Supply Issues, NRDC Says

Report from Natural Resources Defense Council and UC-Santa Barbara claims low impact development can generate billions of gallons of water.

Ecological Research Shows Need for Balance

Whether it's mosquitos, urbanized lakeshores, or greenroofs, the Ecological Society of America has the research to help people understand the need for balance in freshwater ecosystems.

Santa Clara Valley Scores with 5 Shovel-ready Projects

Five projects will receive $44.1 million in stimulus funds.