ITT modified the process with an Intermittent Cycle Extended Aeration System.
University of South Florida doctoral student discovers what viruses remain in reclaimed water after treatment.
The Acura Design Center building in Torrance, Calif., has been using recycled water from the West Basin Municipal Water District.
The list features cities in Colorado, Georgia, Maine, Massachusetts, New York, Oregon, Washington, and Wisconsin.
CH2M Hill employee and facility design win honors at annual WateReuse symposium.
West Basin Municipal Water District in California began its recycling program in the mid-1990s and has invested more than $500 million.
China's Ministry of Water Resources celebrates 60 years of achievement and the China Environment Service Industry Association has signed up for a large pavilion.
The WateReuse Association has released a new manual of practice that offers a step-by-step approach for planning a successful project.
The Changi NEWater Plant, which sits on the Changi Water Reclamation Plant, has begun supplying residents of Singapore with recycled water.
EPA and local agencies celebrated the groundbreaking of the $46.3-million Moreno Valley Regional Water Reclamation Facility Preliminary Treatment and Acid Phase Anaerobic Digestion Project on Monday.
The Roundtable's objective is to bring together government, science and industry stakeholders to set clear standards and a certification system for efficient water use.
NSF's Office of Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation is funding the research project, "Optimization of Dual Conjunctive Water Supply and Reuse Systems with Distributed Treatment for High-growth Water-scarce Regions."
Northwest Valley team invented a way to use the Big Bubba Water Filter.
Five projects will receive $44.1 million in stimulus funds.
Better management may be able to change year 2057 outlook.