
Sewage Sludge Could be a Competitive Feedstock for Biodiesel

EPA's Kargbo says the United States produces 7 million tons of sewage sludge a year, but making it a biofuel resource will not be easy.

Superior Court Judge Upholds Limits on Solano County Landfill Use

Ruling forces the California county to limit landfill use by municipalities outside of the county.

Battelle Wins Army HaMMER Contract for Testing Technologies

The Hazard Mitigation, Material and Equipment Restoration contract award is first for Battelle under Edgewood Chemical and Biological Center’s omnibus contract.

TCEQ Names Environmental Excellence Winners

Texas Lehigh Cement Company, Oncor Electric, and Phoenix Commotion earn the Texas Environmental Excellence Award for 2010.

New Chesapeake Strategy Holds Government Accountable

EPA, USDA, DOI, NOAA, Army Corps of Engineers will work together to protect and restore the Chesapeake Bay.

Northeastern Students Build Waste Plastic-to-Fuel Combustor

Pyrolysis converts the solid, non-biodegradable plastic into a gas, which is then burned with oxidants to generate heat and steam.

FWS Awards $12.8 M to 31 States for Sewage Pumpout Facilities

Clean Vessel Act grants help marinas manage wastes and protect recreational waterways.


Experiment Shows Cigarette Butts May Prevent Corrosion of N80 Steel

Extracts of cigarette butts in water protected steel that is widely used in the oil industry from rusting, even under harsh conditions.

Study: UV Light, Fungus Help Break Down BPA-containing Plastic

After 12 months, researchers demonstrated substantial decomposition of pretreated plastic and no release of bisphenol A.

Oil Spill Dispersant Information Updated

EPA explains what products and methods have been approved for managing the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Jackson, Vilsack Promote Farm Energy Generation

The collaboration will provide up to $3.9 million over the next five years to help farms overcome obstacles preventing them from recovering and using biogas.

Agencies Select Soil Removal Containment for Libby Asbestos Site

EPA and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality sign records of decision to clean up Operable Units 1 and 2.


Scientists Find Soil Microbes More Resistant to Antibiotics

Increased antibiotic resistance in soils could have broad consequences to public health through potential exposure through water and food supplies.

Algal Turf Scrubber Removes Nutrients from Manure Runoff

Microbiologist Walter Mulbry's scrubber raceways collected 60 to 90 percent of the nitrogen and 70 to 100 percent of phosphorus from manure effluents.

Boeing to Restore Habitat in Washington Waterway

The company will create habitat for out-migrating juvenile salmon in the Duwamish River and repay $2 million of the natural resource trustee's costs to resolve liability for hazardous releases from its facilities.

HDR Recognized for Work on Gills Onions Project

The American Council of Engineering Companies presents the Grand Conceptor Award to HDR for waste-to-energy project.

Mega Programme Focuses on Building Food Security

The ten-year research program will seek solutions on to how to adapt the world’s agricultural areas to a different climate with new conditions for production and farming and the reduction of greenhouse gases.

Wastequip Showcases Latest Trends in Handling, Recycling

Annual Waste Expo provides venue for the latest technologies and applications

NYC Bill Won't Encourage More Composting, NSWMA Says

The National Solid Wastes Management Association's local chapter commented that reducing the rate cap will not have the desired effect.