Waste Minimization

Environmental Educators Presented with Presidential Innovation Award

Eleven teachers have been recognized by the White House Council on Environmental Quality and the EPA and are the winners of the 2013 Presidential Innovation Award for Environmental Educators.

Ohio EPA Receives Bronze Recognition for Environmental Efforts

The State Electronics Challenge has awarded the Ohio EPA a bronze recognition for its efforts in decreasing the environmental footprint of its computer equipment.

This Earth Day, Make Cellphone Recycling Second Nature

This Earth Day, Make Cellphone Recycling Second Nature

The EPA estimates that there are 141 million mobile devices at end-of-life, but only 11.7 of those will be recycled.

Recycling Tires May Produce Synthetic Fuels and More

In a new European project, researchers are investigating how tires can be recycled and turned into synthetic fuels and other useful materials.

Registration Open for Adopt-A-Highway in West Virginia

The West Virginia DEP is accepting applications from now until April 12 for the Saturday, April 27 Adopt-A-Highway Spring Statewide Cleanup.

It’s Annual Fix a Leak Week

March 18-24 is annual Fix a Leak Week, and the EPA is encouraging Americans to replace leaky plumbing fixtures and sprinkler systems as a way to help households save more than 10,000 gallons of wasted water per year. According to the EPA, one in 10 homes has some sort of water leak that results in 90 wasted gallons of water each day.

Aiming to Develop Environmentally Friendly Electronic Devices

Researchers at the UPNA (Public University of Navarre) are leading the ENEIDA project, which is trying to tackle the technological changes needed to create more energy-efficient and more environmentally-friendly electronic devices.

U.S. Cities with Most Energy Star Buildings

A list of U.S. metropolitan areas with the most Energy Star certified buildings in 2012 has been released by the EPA. Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, D.C. ranked in the top five.

Serving Sustainability – a Company and its Cloud

While many companies tout their efforts to operate more sustainably, or lessen their environmental impact, few can measure how they are helping other businesses do the same. Salesforce.com is ready to do both, as documented in its first sustainability report.

New Harmony Going for Bigger Green Rating

Staff at Mutual Housing California is expecting its most recent development in Davis, Calif., to get a high rating when its Build It Green (BIG) certification from the Oakland-based nonprofit comes through.

GOJO Sustainability Report Wins National Recognition

"We are fortunate to be in a business where we can make a real difference in social sustainability -– saving lives and making life better for people through the types of products and programs we provide," said Marcella Kanfer Rolnick, GOJO's vice chair.

Online Training Helps Electronics Firms Reduce Costs, Toxicity, Waste, and Energy Output

To help minimize the amount of e-waste caused by electronics firms, TFI has developed a new training program that teaches electronics industry personnel how to reduce environmental impacts.

E-Waste and the Supply Chain: Helping the Environment Boosts Business Profits, Too

In order to make manufacturing a sustainable process, companies must green their supply chains by sustainably sourcing materials, reducing the carbon footprint of factories and transportation, and properly disposing of old products.

A New Electronics Recycling Law in Pennsylvania

As of Jan. 24, consumers and businesses in Pennsylvania will no longer be allowed to throw away any electronic devices with their trash.

As convenient as the newest gadgets are, we should not not forget that most of them contain harmful substances and should be properly recycled, refurbished, or reused. (Dynamic Recycling photo)

Proper E-Waste Disposal and Environmental Sustainability

Do your own, personal part in making proper decisions about recycling e-waste. Don't be afraid to call someone out or voice your opinion about how important our planet is and what it means to you.

Delivering trust to consumers and retailers is aided and simplified by third-party scientific validation and certification of product and lifecycle attributes. Third-party certification and validation will, therefore, become increasingly important.

Will Consumers & Transparency Drive the Janitorial/Sanitation Industry in 2013?

As the industry waits to see the impact of the FTC Green Guides, there is no question that the issue of managing and controlling information will continue to rise throughout 2013.

This screen shot comes from a Dow Chemical video explaining how Omega-9 Oils have helped eliminate more than a billion pounds of bad fats from the diet of people living in North America. Dow announced June 25, 2012, that Omega-9 Oils are its first Breakthrough to World Challenges, addressing a 2015 goal in the area of health.

Sustainability Driving Dow Chemical's Transformation

The business case for it is stronger than ever, said Dow's vice president of sustainability and EH&S, Neil C. Hawkins.

Recycled Christmas Trees to Aid Coastal Marshes

"Together, we can save thousands of trees from being thrown out to waste and also provide critical support to help preserve our wetlands," New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu said.

Bricks Made from Paper Waste

Researchers from the University of Jaen (Spain) have created a new way to mix paper waste with a ceramic material in order to make bricks, resulting in a durable product that can act as a good insulator.

Pollution Prevention Projects in New Jersey and New York Funded by EPA

The EPA has decided to issue $380,000 in grants to New Jersey and New York for projects that will help prevent pollution across the two states.