Besides allowing China to monitor pollution and natural disasters, the trio of satellites will be used in making decisions about deploying emergency aid and reconstruction.
Children in eight Ohio school districts will benefit from Ohio EPA grants awarded to install pollution control equipment on 75 buses and idle reduction technology on 68 buses as part of Ohio EPA’s Clean Diesel School Bus Grant program.
The contest attracted a record number of entries in 10 categories ranging from Air Quality and Climate to Wastewater.
During this holiday season, people can use ecofriendly artificial logs made from grass clippings to create a warm and welcoming blaze in fireplaces.
John Hopkins engineering students won $15,000 in a competition for adapting a Korean paper-making technique into a method for impoverished villagers to make paper for underequipped schools.
Liberty Tire Recycling announced its nationwide partnership with The Hertz Corporation to recover and recycle scrap tires form car rental outlets.
Three research projects, led by Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL), are searching for cheaper materials and manufacturing techniques in order to make solar panels more affordable.
The EPA honored Adobe with its 2012 Zero Waste Advocate Award at a ceremony for the company’s waste management program that diverts 100 percent of solid waste from its headquarters in San Jose, CA.
The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has developed a printed circuit board (PCB) whose components can be easily separated by immersion in hot water. The work was part of the ReUSE project, funded by the UK government's Technology Strategy Board.
The company's new Paper Sourcing and Use Policy announced Oct. 11 took effect immediately.
The Environmental Health in Low-Energy Buildings conference will take place in October 2013 in Vancouver, Canada.
Energy savings from one of them, occupant responsive lighting systems, ranged from approximately 27 percent to 63 percent.
To reuse water requires capital that they would rather not spend if it's cheaper for them just to dispose of it. I think that's why we don't reuse that much. It might be more cost effective to figure out a way to reuse it than it would be not to.
About 65,000 of them will be delivered this fall through a new partnership between the Curbside Value Partnership and city departments.
The fifth such bill the governor has signed into law recently is meant to extend the life of the Ogallala Aquifer by using groundwater management districts.
Earlier this year the Raleigh Police Department installed mobile power idle reduction systems in 29 police vehicles. The project was funded by an Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant, and aligns with Raleigh's commitment to environmental protection outlined in the City's Comprehensive Plan.
Four California businesses were honored by the California Product Ste wardship Council (CPSC) during the organization’s Arrow Awards ceremony in Oakland, CA at the California Resource Recovery Association’s 36th annual conference.
The Obama Administration has released a report outlining the historic Federal investments and progress made in Everglades restoration under the leadership of President Obama, and announced $80 million in additional funding to support farmers and ranchers who voluntarily conserve wetlands on agricultural land in the Northern Everglades Watershed.
When it comes to the political arena in Washington, D.C., most of us see the same thing – the 30,000 foot view. We see and talk about the contentious debates taking place on the economy, health care reform and energy policy.
The Boeing Company has steadily reduced its environmental footprint while rapidly expanding its business and significantly increasing monthly airplane production rates, the company reported in its fifth annual Environment Report.