Cascades Moka facial tissue marks an extension to company’s growing line of sustainable, single-use paper products that eliminates chemical whitening and reduces 25 percent of its environmental impact.
In an effort to help launch their new sustainability program, the Kansas City Chiefs partnered with the EPA to hold a community-wide recycling drive at Arrowhead Stadium on April 20.
In a new European project, researchers are investigating how tires can be recycled and turned into synthetic fuels and other useful materials.
The latest report from the Water Research Foundation (WaterRF) measures energy use and greenhouse gas emissions produced by water utilities.
N.S. Industrial & Design's Revolution 360™ series receptacles eliminate bag liner overlap, according to the company.
By combining the Australia-based Outback Ecology with MWH Global, the companies will be able to provide more opportunities to serve mining industry clients across the full lifecycle of energy and natural resources engineering projects.
The West Virginia DEP is accepting applications from now until April 12 for the Saturday, April 27 Adopt-A-Highway Spring Statewide Cleanup.
In 2011, 934 million pounds of rigid plastics, which does not include plastic bottles, was recycled. That number is expected to be higher for 2012, especially since local access to recycling centers increased from 40 percent to 57 percent between the last two years.
March 18-24 is annual Fix a Leak Week, and the EPA is encouraging Americans to replace leaky plumbing fixtures and sprinkler systems as a way to help households save more than 10,000 gallons of wasted water per year. According to the EPA, one in 10 homes has some sort of water leak that results in 90 wasted gallons of water each day.
Researchers at the UPNA (Public University of Navarre) are leading the ENEIDA project, which is trying to tackle the technological changes needed to create more energy-efficient and more environmentally-friendly electronic devices.
A list of U.S. metropolitan areas with the most Energy Star certified buildings in 2012 has been released by the EPA. Atlanta, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York, and Washington, D.C. ranked in the top five.
The DEP in Pennsylvania has given 36 small businesses across the state a total of $290,010 in grants for energy efficiency and pollution prevention projects.
While many companies tout their efforts to operate more sustainably, or lessen their environmental impact, few can measure how they are helping other businesses do the same. is ready to do both, as documented in its first sustainability report.
In a ceremony on campus yesterday, Arizona State University’s Sustainable Cities Network was recognized by the EPA’s Regional Administrator, Jared Blumenfeld. The Pacific Southwest Region’s 2012 Green Government Award was presented to Anne Reichman, program manager for the Sustainable Cities Network at ASU’s Global Institute of Sustainability.
Cascades has expanded its Tissue Group plant in Lachute, Quebec and has received the LEED Gold certification. The plant is the first paper manufacturing facility to obtain the certification in Canada.
A team of graduate students from Concordia University have developed a new tool that rates the level of compliance between environmental impact and the urban planning goals of development projects, which will also help increase the potential for long-term sustainability.
eRecyclingCorps reached the milestone last month, less than five years after the organization was founded.
Staff at Mutual Housing California is expecting its most recent development in Davis, Calif., to get a high rating when its Build It Green (BIG) certification from the Oakland-based nonprofit comes through.
The EPA, the City of Austin, and the State of Texas Alliance for Recycling are hosting a workshop, Sustainable Materials Management: Bringing Everyone and Everything Together, on Feb. 25 and 26.
General Motors is taking a regional approach to boosting recycling infrastructure, looking first to the Southeast United States.