Cascade Water Alliance, Moen Inc., Lowe's and Judy Benson received awards at a banquet last week.
The “Design for Reuse Primer,” a free e-book, looks at the untapped potential of material reuse through the perspectives of the architects, contractors, and clients committed to its use.
The International City/County Management Association found that while local governments recognized the need to create sustainability, they generally have not been able to act on that knowledge.
The city of Cleveland's mayor is one of more than 1,000 mayors who have signed an agreement to lower carbon dioxide emissions by 7 percent by 2012.
Viridity Energy will deploy its software optimization system to allow SEPTA to recycle the energy created from the regenerative braking ability of trains and trolleys at a high use propulsion substation in Philadelphia, which will in turn improve power quality, produce energy savings and generate revenues.
The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation awarded nearly $300,000 to the California district to help conserve water by using high efficiency toilets.
University of Wisconsin professor says these small steps in understanding plant dehydration effects may eventually help in the development of crops that can withstand this type of stress.
"The Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s extensive monitoring system helps locate waters in need of our attention. We now must take action to clean them up,” said EPA Region 7 Administrator Karl Brooks.
Details on how to register for the Aug. 25 webcast are available on the American Water Works Association website.
The project will bring Carrizo Aquifer Supply to San Antonio, enough water for 40,000 households per year.
Veolia Water North America has tested this tool in Milwaukee, which will use the information to lower its water impact and carbon footprint as well.
Better irrigation, drought-tolerant grasses, and rainwater harvesting are a few of the suggestions from the "Sprayed Away" report.
The Department of Buildings has launched the New York City Energy Conservation Code, part of the city’s plan to cut carbon emissions by 30 percent by 2030. Lighting, power, and HVAC in new projects or renovations must comply.
The World Resources Institute and Big Room Inc. compare different ecolabel standards to help companies and consumers make better choices to reduce their environmental impacts.
Industry agrees to halt new logging and develop conservation plans while environmental organizations will suspend "Do Not Buy" campaigns.
The Natural Resources Conservation Service program expects 75,000 more acres expected to be enrolled in Wetlands Reserve Program.
Australians donated money to the Australian Conservation Foundation for water to replenish the Hattah Lakes wetlands in northern Victoria.
Over the next two years, EPA will provide $100,000 to help the city develop projects in Health Zone 1.
Companies take grassroots measures until ROI emerges, Consortium says.
The North Shore-Long Island Jewish Health System has agreed to join EPA programs that will help lower energy and water usage, waste, and air pollution at 12 areas hospitals.