Using grant funding, the municipal water district is working toward Water Reliability 2020 goals.
The Center for Neighborhood Technology and American Rivers gathered the latest research and produced a guide to help communities assign economic value to such structures as green roofs, rain gardens, and permeable pavement.
The Florida city's You Win-We All Win conservation program has exceeded its original goal.
The revised specification is open for comment until March 21.
New evidence suggests that the bulk of the world’s fisheries – including small-scale, often non-industrialized fisheries on which millions of people depend for food – could be sustained using community-based co-management.
Initiatives will emphasize the importance of protecting water from source to tap.
Igniting Creative Energy Water integrates the connection of water and energy conservation into the challenge; entries must be postmarked by March 4.
According to a new report from Pike Research, building energy management systems sector revenue in the United States will increase from $900 million in 2010 to $2.4 billion annually by 2016, under an average forecast scenario.
The American Chemical Society has selected a few simple ideas culled from its journals on how to be sustainable, including stop wasting food, try working out outside, and take the bus instead of driving your car.
Every year from about October through March, researchers from SWFSC’s Antarctic Living Marine resources Program head south to Antarctica to study and observe how animals living in the Antarctic ecosystem are affected by commercial fisheries in the southern oceans.
Oil-soaked plastic boom material used to soak up oil in the Gulf of Mexico is finding new life in auto parts for the Chevrolet Volt.
Construction of a fuel cell with enough capacity to power 2,800 homes has begun on the University of California’s San Diego campus as part of a renewable-energy project to turn waste methane gas from the Point Loma Wastewater Treatment Plant directly into electricity without combustion.
The Plumbing Efficiency Research Coalition and the Australasian Scientific Review of Reduction of Flows on Plumbing and Drainage Systems will collaborate on the research.
North Carolina's LID certification program, which will be discussed in the webcast, may be replicated nationally.
Deforestation rates in the Brazilian Amazon declined 14 percent from August 2009 to July 2010, reaching the lowest rates ever recorded for the second consecutive year.
This is the fourth installment of a multi-part series on some of today's problems in land development and how innovative methods collectively known as "Prefurbia" can help overcome them.
Pilot plant will help identify best ways to purify Hudson River water.
The effort is expected to create a LEED-style program for water conservation.
In its annual scorecard, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy rated the states and found Mississippi and North Dakota needed the most improvement while Texas and New Hampshire lost the most ground over last year.
The document includes cost information developed from literature sources, manufacturers, and operating facilities.