
U.S., Mexico to Assess Air Monitoring Network

Data will help direct efforts to protect public health from harmful emissions in 10 states along the 2,000-mile border.

Read the Tree Leaves for Particulate Matter Levels

Western Washington University study finds that tree leaves on busy diesel bus routes were more magnetic than those from rural areas.

Cap and Trade Partnership Lowers Smog Levels in Eastern U.S.

EPA report shows that a cap and trade partnership established in 2003 has reduced smog-forming emissions of nitrogen oxides.

EPA Tells Congress Clean Diesel Program Works

The agency says the $50 million program last year enabled retrofits and purchases for 14,000 diesel-powered vehicles and pieces of equipment.

At Work and Home Exposures

Mold, lead-based paint and other exclusions in general liability have tipped the balance for commercial and habitational property owners. What's a property owner to do?

EPA map

31 Areas Do Not Meet PM 2.5 Standards

These communities must develop plans for reducing pollution by 2012 and demonstrate that they are meeting standards by fall of 2014.

AQMD Presents Award to ACTI for Pollution Control System

The system can help ports reduce up to 99 percent of air pollutants emitted by ships.

EPA Region 4 Sampling Air at Southeastern Schools

The agency is sampling the air outside 63 schools in 22 states to evaluate whether long-term exposure to toxics in the outdoor air might pose health concerns to children.

Vented Stoves Improve Women's Health in Mexico

The National Institute of Public Health study followed 500 households and found that families that used the Patsai stove experienced better lung function than those that did not.

CARB Fines Companies for Gas-Powered Drink Blenders

Imported from China, the blenders use uncertified small off-road engines that can produce excess smog-forming emissions.

ASHRAE Recommends Mechanical Systems for High Rises

The American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers wants to strengthen the requirements for natural ventilation in high-rise residential buildings.

More PM2.5 Posed Risks to Taxi Drivers, Study Says

Researchers tested taxi drivers before, during, and after the 2008 Beijing Olympics for their heart rate variability in response to varying levels of particulate matter pollution.

Emissions Rules Tighten for Medical Waste Incinerators

EPA recalculated the maximum achievable control technology floors for existing and new hospital, medical, and infectious waste incinerators.

Global Green Cars to Build Electric Vehicles in Kentucky

Company plans to scale up to mass production in 2011.

CO Standard May Not Protect Health of Heart Patients

EPA-NIEHS study found that an increase of 1 ppm carbon monoxide in the maximum daily one-hour exposure is linked to a 0.96 percent increase in the risk of hospitalization from cardiovascular disease for people 65 years and older.