Scott Pruitt resigned from his position as head of the Environmental Protection Agency on Thursday after months of controversy involving his ethics, spending, and management of the agency.
The agency would transfer responsibility for licensing, rulemaking, inspection, and enforcement activities related to the extraction and concentration of uranium and thorium milling and also the management and disposal of milling waste.
The toolkit includes safety guidance and material such as the "5 to Stay Alive" safety tips and "Top 10 Backing Best Practices." There is also a Safety Pledge for workers to sign and a Pledge to Get Home Safe mini poster.
"Operation Thunderstorm has seen significant seizures at global level, showing how coordinated global operations can maximize impact," said INTERPOL Secretary General Jürgen Stock. "Operation Thunderstorm sends a clear message to wildlife criminals that the world's law enforcement community is homing in on them."
The grants will provide funding to stream and wetland restoration, innovative stormwater management practices, riparian tree buffer plantings, and more in multiple counties in the Chesapeake Bay watershed.
People can be exposed to PFAs in the air; in indoor dust, food, and water; and in some home products. The main sources of exposure to PFAs, such as PFOA and PFOS, are usually from eating food and drinking water that has these chemicals.
The second of six informal public engagement sessions on the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Action Plan III is taking place in Rochester, N.Y.
The system will provide approximately 540,000 cubic feet per minute of air to the WIPP underground, significantly more than the current ventilation system. At an estimated cost of $288 million, the new ventilation system is expected to be completed by early 2021.
Applications from those seeking to be considered for 2019 Energy Code Advisory Committee membership must submit a completed application no later than June 21. Residential applications are especially needed, according to the department's posted announcement.
"Clean Air Day awareness initiatives like those in the U.K. and Canada this June act as a fantastic platform that highlights the real threat of air pollution. We hope that as local awareness increases, such a campaign can soon be run in China," said Sean Gao, Business Unit manager at Casella.
According to the NPS announcement, as associate director, Sholly guided the development and implementation of a national employee safety strategy which has helped dramatically reduce employee fatalities across the bureau.
Anguil Environmental Systems will be celebrating its 40th anniversary on Aug. 12, 2018, with a party in downtown Milwaukee.
Volkswagen AG accepted the fine and, by doing so, admitted its responsibility.
The June 19 event in Portland, Ore., will feature a series of panel discussions with guests who are actively involved in federal, state, or provincial efforts to manage abandoned and derelict vessels, along with information on funding, prevention, cleanup and removal, and other challenges associated with managing these vessels across the task force's jurisdictions.
CEO Cal Dooley has agreed to stay through 2019 after the council's board of directors agreed that the chemicals and plastics industry must take a global leadership role to reduce and ultimately eliminate plastic waste.
"Utah Lake is a huge lake with many areas not currently affected," said Eric Edwards, the health department's deputy director. "We want those recreating to safely enjoy the lake and also make sure they are properly cautioned about the presence [of] potential harmful algal blooms in certain areas of the lake that can pose health risks."
Currently there are six metal shredding facilities in the state. The California Department of Toxic Substances Control plans to set enforceable operating requirements for metal shredding facilities through a hazardous waste permit.
The MEITNER projects will leverage design, new manufacturing processes, and technologies to lower costs and increase the competitiveness of nuclear power; these funded projects will support advanced reactor designs that achieve lower construction cost and autonomous operations while improving safety.
Orleans Parish residents were able to bring paint, pesticides, antifreeze, garden chemicals, flammable liquids, muriatic acid, small mercury devices, aerosols, pool shock, household cleaners, motor oil, automobile batteries, and motorcycle batteries for disposal or recycling.
"These actions provide the American people with transparency and an opportunity to comment on how EPA plans to evaluate the ten chemicals undergoing risk evaluation, select studies, and use the best available science to ensure chemicals in the marketplace are safe," EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt said. "At the same time, we are moving forward to take important, unprecedented action on asbestos."