
A contract has been awarded by the South Florida Water Management District for construction to begin on a new water quality restoration project in the Everglades.

Water Quality Restoration Begins in Everglades

A contract has been awarded by the South Florida Water Management District for construction to begin on a new water quality restoration project in the Everglades.

Air pollution is worsening in most of the cities worldwide where air monitoring is taking place, WHO reported.

Air Quality Worsening in Many Cities: WHO

About half of the urban population being monitored in 91 countries is exposed to air pollution that is at least 2.5 times higher than the levels WHO recommends.

Since October 2013, the rate of earthquakes in Oklahoma has increased by 50 percent, a staggering statistic that could result in large, devastating earthquakes in the not-too-distant future.

Increase of Oklahoma Tremors Could Lead to Large Earthquakes

Since October 2013, the rate of earthquakes in Oklahoma has increased by 50 percent, a staggering statistic that could result in large, devastating earthquakes in the not-too-distant future.

The facilities/maintenance department is a firsthand witness to many of a facility

Enzymatic Method for Determining Nitrate in Wastewater Reaches First Step Toward EPA Approval

Enzyme-based nitrate analysis will be recommended for inclusion in the list of approved methods at 40 CFR Part 136 in the next round of updates.

Access to the river with equipment and materials proved difficult; working with Oklahoma DOT a solution was developed.

Going Under the Oklahoma River

Oklahoma City has completed the $6 million Oklahoma River Inverted Siphon System Improvements, Phase II project. This project included the potential rehabilitation of an existing three-barrel inverted siphon, new inverted siphon, a sewer flow distribution vault and a sewer line connecting the new inverted siphon to the collection system.

Some Member States will have difficulty meeting their recycling targets, ENVIRON UK Ltd reports.

WEEE Recast Directive Update

The current product scope of 10 categories of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) will remain in place during the transitional period, Aug. 13, 2012 to Aug. 14, 2018.

As air drones already exist, a new development has evolved in drone technology, a water-based drone to ensure fast and efficient algae control and treatment.

Water Drones to Maintain Algae Blooms

As air drones already exist, a new development has evolved in drone technology, a water-based drone to ensure fast and efficient algae control and treatment.

The MBBR technology saved companies

Taking a Total Systems Approach to Wastewater Treatment

A true TSA begins with an evaluation that identifies options to help achieve a company's production goals.

In honor of Earth Day, LEGOLAND Florida kicks off a celebration by operating only on renewable energy.

LEGOLAND Florida is First U.S. Theme Park to Run on Renewable Energy

In honor of Earth Day, LEGOLAND Florida kicks off a celebration by operating only on renewable energy.

A position paper created by the National Ground Water Association show that “no widespread water quality or quantity issues” have been found as a direct result of hydraulic fracturing.

Study Suggests Fracking Not to Blame for Water Quality Issues

A position paper created by the National Ground Water Association show that “no widespread water quality or quantity issues” have been found as a direct result of hydraulic fracturing.

The EPA has proposed a plan to remove more than 4 million cubic yards of contaminated sediment from 8 miles of the Passaic River in New Jersey.

EPA Prepares for Their Largest River Cleanup in History

The EPA has proposed a plan to remove more than 4 million cubic yards of contaminated sediment from 8 miles of the Passaic River in New Jersey. This will mark the largest river cleanup in EPA history.

American Rivers has reported the 10 most endangered rivers in the United States for 2014.

Most Endangered Rivers of 2014 Announced

American Rivers has reported the 10 most endangered rivers in the United States for 2014.

The Stony Brook Regional Sewerage Authority (SBRSA) in Princeton, NJ provides treatment and disposal services for wastewater residuals.

RTO Technology Reduces Operating Costs

The Stony Brook Regional Sewerage Authority (SBRSA) in Princeton, NJ provides treatment and disposal services for wastewater residuals. Their River Road Wastewater Treatment Plant was constructed in 1976 and began taking flow in 1978. The plant receives flow from Princeton Borough and Township, South Brunswick Township, and West Windsor Township.

The United Nations International Court of Justice ruled against Japan in the case challenging its claim that its whaling is done for scientific purposes.

Australia Wins Case Against Japanese Whaling

The U.N. International Court of Justice ruled against Japan in a case involving charges that the country was using a scientific research program to mask a commercial whaling venture in the Antarctic.

While many were happy to see much of the oil slick in Galveston Bay being pushed out into the gulf by wind and weather, this has created additional environmental threats further down the Texas coastline.

Effects of Galveston Oil Spill Persist on Texas Coast

While many were happy to see much of the oil slick in Galveston Bay being pushed out into the gulf by wind and weather, this has created additional environmental threats further down the Texas coastline.

According to new research, salamanders may be shrinking in size due to the environmental changes caused by rapid climate change.

Shrinking Salamanders: Global Warming to Blame?

According to new research, salamanders may be shrinking in size due to the environmental changes caused by rapid climate change.

The six shipwreck sites are located relatively near the Macondo well site that caused the 2010 oil spill.

New Study Probes Gulf Oil Spill's Impact

A research team is examining how oil spilled after the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig explosion is affecting organisms living on six shipwrecks located near the Macondo well site.

All over the world farmers are using innovative practices to utilize water more efficiently and in lesser quantities to produce more nutritious.

More Crop Per Drop

This Saturday, March 22nd, the world celebrates World Water Day. Water and agriculture are inextricably interlinked and interdependent. Agriculture is a major user of both ground and surface water for irrigation—accounting for about 70 percent of water withdrawal worldwide.


Are You Being Greenwashed?

The ins and outs of eco-friendly, green labeling and advertising on products.

The EPA has issued an order to the U.S. to remove 15 million pounds of explosives and propellant that are currently stored at Camp Minden in Minden, La.

EPA Orders Army to Remove Illegally Stored Explosives

The EPA has issued an order to the U.S. Army to remove 15 million pounds of explosives and propellant that are currently stored at Camp Minden in Minden, La.