
This photo taken at Normandy Beach, N.J., on Sept. 4, 2013, 10 months after Hurricane Sandy made landfall, shows reconstruction work at an apartment complex that was severely damaged. (Photo by Rosanna Arias/FEMA)

Climate Change Standards Webinar Set for Nov. 18

The webinar will focus on the work program of ISO Technical Committee 207's Subcommittee 7 on greenhouse gas management and related activities; it mainly deals with measuring, reducing, managing, and verifying greenhouse gas emissions.

The NRCS and the NFWF have established a new partnership that will help provide more support for ongoing restoration projects of the Gulf of Mexico as a result of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

New Partnership to Help Restore Gulf Coast After Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

The NRCS and the NFWF have established a new partnership that will help provide more support for ongoing restoration projects of the Gulf of Mexico as a result of the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

The Lancaster, named for the California city where it is manufactured, is the world

60-Foot Battery-Electric Bus Unveiled

BYD Motors introduced "The Lancaster" this month at the 2014 American Public Transportation Association Expo in Houston. It's the world's largest battery-electric vehicle, according to the manufacturer.


NRC Staff Report Reignites Yucca Mountain Debate

How the 2014 midterm U.S. elections go may well determine whether the nuclear waste storage project in Nevada goes forward, four years after the Obama administration halted it.

DOJ Announces Oil Spill Settlement

The government's complaint was filed in February 2013 in a Louisiana federal court, alleging that oil and an unauthorized chemical dispersant were discharged into the Gulf of Mexico from ATP-IP's oil and gas production platform called the ATP Innovator.

Duke Energy has announced a $10 million Water Resources Fund for the improvement of waterways in North Carolina and South Carolina that flow into neighboring states.

Fund to Benefit Waterways in the Carolinas

Duke Energy has announced a $10 million Water Resources Fund for the improvement of waterways in North Carolina and South Carolina that flow into neighboring states.

The EPA will be funding more than $8 million in grants for environmental improvement projects along the U.S. – Mexico border. The funding was announced during a border tour led by EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy in San Diego on Oct. 7.

EPA Funding to Improve Environmental Health of U.S. – Mexico Border

The EPA will be funding more than $8 million in grants for environmental improvement projects along the U.S. – Mexico border. The funding was announced during a border tour led by EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy in San Diego on Oct. 7.

Human activity causing climate change did cause heat waves in Australia, New Zealand, and some Asian countries to be more severe, according to the NOAA report.

NOAA Report Links Climate Change to Heat Waves' Severity

The connection between human activities and increased severity and likelihood of droughts, storms, and heavy rain events was not as clear, according to the agency.

An Avoidable Crisis: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Human Resource Capacity Gaps in Developing Economies

An Avoidable Crisis: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Human Resource Capacity Gaps in Developing Economies

Countries may need to double existing capacity or risk undermining attainment of universal access to clean water and sanitation.

WV Agency Sets Public Meeting on ASTs Rule

The Department of Environmental Protection is hosting the Oct. 1 meeting to hear stakeholders' comments about the draft Aboveground Storage Tank emergency rule.

In a Capitol Hill meeting yesterday, the Puerto Rico climate crisis and how it may affect the U.S. was discussed.

The Climate Crisis in Puerto Rico May Lead to Extreme Weather in U.S.

In a Capitol Hill meeting yesterday, the Puerto Rico climate crisis and how it may affect the U.S. was discussed.

Four decades since the Michigan Chemical Corp. plant disaster, one of the biggest agricultural catastrophes in U.S. history, the contamination at the site is still persistent and includes heavy air pollution.

Decades Later Contamination Persists at Michigan Superfund Site

Four decades since the Michigan Chemical Corp. plant disaster, one of the biggest agricultural catastrophes in U.S. history, the contamination at the site is still persistent and includes heavy air pollution.

In a new study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey, water temperatures in the Florida Keys are 2 degrees warmer than they were a few decades ago. The increase in temperature is causing the corals to turn white from symbiotic loss – a condition that could cause the corals to die.

Coral Reefs in Florida Becoming Affected by Global Warming

In a new study conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey, water temperatures in the Florida Keys are 2 degrees warmer than they were a few decades ago. The increase in temperature is causing the corals to turn white from symbiotic loss – a condition that could cause the corals to die.

This is an architectural drawing of the new NIST "intelligent agents" lab for developing and testing more efficient building control systems. (Kikkeri/NIST image)

Smart Software Project Aims to Cut Buildings' Voracious Energy Appetite

The National Institute of Standards and Technology is converting one of its laboratories into a small office building to try out smart software technologies that will be designed to reduce energy use in commercial buildings.

New Process Could Make Renewables Production Easier

A new study from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory explores the conversion of lignin into renewable chemicals, fuels, and materials that could help sustain the energy economy.

In federal court yesterday, the EPA decreed that ExxonMobil will pay nearly $1.5 million in fines for a Clean Water Act violation that ultimately led to a Louisiana oil spill more than two years ago.

ExxonMobil to Pay Large Fine for 2012 Oil Spill in Louisiana

In federal court yesterday, the EPA decreed that ExxonMobil will pay nearly $1.5 million in fines for a Clean Water Act violation that ultimately led to a Louisiana oil spill more than two years ago.

A few cities and 10 states have significantly decreased their MSW landfill totals through bottle bills and other measures. (Image downloaded from Budget Dumpster video)

The Ways We Waste: The Long Road to Sustainable Waste Management

Though many states are making headway in the realm of waste reduction, there are many cities that have decided to take matters into their own hands.

The EPA has announced $11 million in funding for the cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated Brownfield properties across the United States.

Millions in EPA Funding Available to Clean Up Brownfields Across the Country

The EPA has announced $11 million in funding for the cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated Brownfield properties across the United States.

Associate Professor Karl Vernes from the University of New England, Australia, is undertaking research into these mysterious water sources and the habits of the animals that use them in a bid to conserve the unique ecosystems of a region which is facing the strains of mass development and tourism.

Researching the Key to Survival for Mammals of the Yucatan

Associate Professor Karl Vernes from the University of New England, Australia, is undertaking research into these mysterious water sources and the habits of the animals that use them in a bid to conserve the unique ecosystems of a region which is facing the strains of mass development and tourism.

A new technology recycling service, offered by a partnership between Staples Advantage and Electronic Recyclers International, Inc., will allow businesses to recycle large amounts of electronics.

Technology Recycling Service Helps Businesses Reduce E-Waste

A new technology recycling service, offered by a partnership between Staples Advantage and Electronic Recyclers International, Inc., will allow businesses to recycle large amounts of electronics.