This photo taken at Normandy Beach, N.J., on Sept. 4, 2013, 10 months after Hurricane Sandy made landfall, shows reconstruction work at an apartment complex that was severely damaged. (Photo by Rosanna Arias/FEMA)

Climate Change Standards Webinar Set for Nov. 18

The webinar will focus on the work program of ISO Technical Committee 207's Subcommittee 7 on greenhouse gas management and related activities; it mainly deals with measuring, reducing, managing, and verifying greenhouse gas emissions.

The American National Standards Institute Network on Smart and Sustainable Cities will host a free webinar Nov. 18 about applying the climate change standards of the International Organization for Standardization to cities and local governments. It will take place from 2 p.m. to 3:30 pm EST.

ANSI calls climate change "the preeminent issue of our time," citing events such as "Superstorm" Sandy. The webinar will focus on the work program of ISO Technical Committee 207's Subcommittee 7 on greenhouse gas management and related activities; mainly deals with measuring, reducing, managing, and verifying greenhouse gas emissions. The requirements defined in ISO 14065:2007, Greenhouse gases - Requirements for greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies for use in accreditation or other forms of recognition, are the basis for ANSI's accreditation program for organizations providing third-party validation and verification services.

The presenter will be Tom Baumann, who chairs ISO/TC 207/SC 7 and is leading work on the development of SC7's strategic road map to guide standards development on a range of issues. Baumann co-founded the GHG Management Institute, a GHG training provider with thousands of experts in more than 100 countries, and he also co-founded ClimateCHECK, a professional services company.

To take part in the webinar, visit the webinar registration page. For more information about the ANSI Cities Network, visit