Climate Change Standards Webinar Set for Nov. 18
The webinar will focus on the work program of ISO Technical Committee 207's Subcommittee 7 on greenhouse gas management and related activities; it mainly deals with measuring, reducing, managing, and verifying greenhouse gas emissions.
The American National Standards Institute Network on Smart and Sustainable Cities will host a free webinar Nov. 18 about applying the climate change standards of the International Organization for Standardization to cities and local governments. It will take place from 2 p.m. to 3:30 pm EST.
ANSI calls climate change "the preeminent issue of our time," citing events such as "Superstorm" Sandy. The webinar will focus on the work program of ISO Technical Committee 207's Subcommittee 7 on greenhouse gas management and related activities; mainly deals with measuring, reducing, managing, and verifying greenhouse gas emissions. The requirements defined in ISO 14065:2007, Greenhouse gases - Requirements for greenhouse gas validation and verification bodies for use in accreditation or other forms of recognition, are the basis for ANSI's accreditation program for organizations providing third-party validation and verification services.
The presenter will be Tom Baumann, who chairs ISO/TC 207/SC 7 and is leading work on the development of SC7's strategic road map to guide standards development on a range of issues. Baumann co-founded the GHG Management Institute, a GHG training provider with thousands of experts in more than 100 countries, and he also co-founded ClimateCHECK, a professional services company.
To take part in the webinar, visit the webinar registration page. For more information about the ANSI Cities Network, visit