
Hurricane Harvey Spurs Energy Shutdowns

Hurricane Harvey Spurs Energy Shutdowns

As Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath continue on a path of destruction, oil and gas companies located in the epicenter of Texas’ refining industry have been forced to halt operations.

Canada Creates Climate Change Panel of Experts

The panel will support the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change, which is Canada's plan to meet its greenhouse gas emissions reduction target, build resilience to the impacts of climate change, and create clean growth and jobs through investments in clean technology, innovation, and infrastructure.

First Convention on Mercury Control Now in Force

"The Minamata Convention shows that our global work to protect our planet and its people can continue to bring nations together. We did it for the ozone layer and now we're doing it for mercury, just as we need to do it for climate change – a cause that the Minamata Convention will also serve. Together, we can clean up our act," said Erik Solheim, head of UN Environment.

Cal FIRE Awards Grants to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Sequester Carbon

Landowners will retain ownership of their land and will not be restricted from using it for activities such as timber harvest, hunting, fishing, and hiking; the grants will protect more than 28,285 acres of forests from development.

This graphic shows dissolved boron in bedrock groundwater at the plant site: CSES-Colstrip, Montana.

Montana DEQ Seeks Comments on Colstrip Reports

The three reports are required under the Administrative Order on Consent between the agency and Talen Montana, LLC. They concern the industrial wastewater facilities at the Colstrip Steam Electric Station.

New French River Dam Opened in Ontario

The dam is one of three dams that control the outflow from Lake Nipissing. They're essential for maintaining its water level and for regulating the flow of water into the French River. During the $21.9 million replacement project, new dams were built slightly downstream from the original dams, which were then removed.

Order Signed for Mexico's Largest Wind Park

"Mexico is undergoing a historical moment in its energy policy and we are extremely pleased to play an active role in this process. By building Mexico's largest wind park with Vestas' turbines, we are taking a bold step in the country's transition towards renewables," said Adrián Katzew, CEO of Zuma Energía.

Ohio EPA Sets Water Quality Standards Meeting

The agency's proposed changes in its water rules include clarifying exceptions from water quality standards that apply to pesticide application, construction activities, and dredging. Changes will be discussed at the Aug. 23 meeting in Columbus.

INTERPOL Operation Nets 1.5 Million Tonnes of Illegal Waste

Most of the illegal waste discovered during the operation was metal or electronic waste, and generally it was related to the car industry. In all, 226 waste crimes and 413 administrative violations were found, including criminal cases of 141 shipments carrying a total of 14,000 tonnes of illegal waste and 85 sites where more than 1 million tonnes of waste was illegally disposed.

In the early 1990s, the federal government began listing salmon species as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Today, federal agencies have listed 18 species of salmon, steelhead, and bull trout as either threatened or endangered.

New Leader Chosen for Washington's Salmon Recovery Office

Steve Martin has been executive director of the Snake River Salmon Recovery Board since 2001.

Workers are expected to finish removing Ball State

Smokestacks Coming Down at Ball State University

The two stacks became obsolete after the Muncie, Ind., university switched to a closed-loop geothermal system and shut down its coal-fired boilers in 2014.

EPA Awards Montana DEQ a $2 Million Grawnt to Protect Water Quality

EPA Awards Montana DEQ a $2 Million Grant to Protect Water Quality

EPA partners with the state to protect and restore watersheds, streams and groundwater

EPA Adds Superfund Sites to National Priorities List to Clean Up Contamination

EPA Adds Superfund Sites to National Priorities List to Clean Up Contamination

EPA to add hazardous sites to National Priorities List.

The $440 million rebuild of the Moses-Adirondack transmission artery includes replacing 78 of the 86 miles on each of two transmission lines that were originally constructed by the federal government in 1942 and acquired by the New York Power Authority in 1953.

NY to Rebuild 78 Miles of Power Transmission Infrastructure

This will modernizes the electric power grid and help to meet Gov. Cuomo's Clean Energy Standard of 50 percent renewable electricity by 2030.

The MOL Comfort, representing a loss of all 4,293 containers on board in 2013, accounted for 77 percent of that year

Report Says Fewer Containers Lost at Sea Since 2014

From 2008 to 2016, an average of 568 containers lost at sea per year -- 1,582 on average when catastrophic events are included. On average, 64 percent of containers lost during that period were attributed to a catastrophic event.

White House Details Plan to Roll Back Environmental Regulations

White House Details Plan to Roll Back Environmental Regulations

The Trump administration provided details for its aggressive plan to roll back environmental regulations.

Lawsuit Claims Texas Loopholes Allow Illegal Air Emissions

Lawsuit Claims Texas Loopholes Allow Illegal Air Emissions

An environmental group is trying to tighten Texas air pollution control permits.

Funding for New York Environmental Protection Projects Approved

Funding for New York Environmental Protection Projects Approved

Funding for three projects was approved by the Tompkins County Legislature.

Agreement Reached in Bid to Stabilize Lake Mead Water Levels

As part of a $6 million partnership agreement with the Bureau of Reclamation, the state of Arizona, the city of Phoenix, and the Walton Family Foundation, Inc., the Gila River Indian Community will forego delivery of 40,000 acre-feet of its 2017 Colorado River allocation.

NY DEC Awards Grants for Riparian Buffers in Chesapeake Bay Watershed

The grants are for projects to permanently protect riparian buffers through land acquisition and conservation easements. Riparian buffers are strips of trees, shrubs, or grasses planted next to streams or other waterbodies.