
Ford Foundation Supports Global Environmental Leaders

Ford Foundation Supports Global Environmental Leaders

IFP has provided access to higher education to over 4,000 people from marginalized communities in 22 countries on their paths to social change, including many who are spearheading innovative solutions to our global environmental problems.

AgriLife Research Scientist Hopes Soapy Water Testing Lathers Up Statewide Interest

AgriLife Research Scientist Hopes Soapy Water Testing Lathers Up Statewide Interest

Research on gray water use for home irrigation has been getting positive initial results.

Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) Chooses Wireless Data Radios

Comision Federal de Electricidad (CFE) Chooses Wireless Data Radios for Reliable SCADA and Smart Grid Applications

CFE started using FreeWave radios for electric power applications more than five years ago, and their consistency, flexibility and technical support, resulted in the addition of many more radios for different applications. Today, there are more than 2,000 FreeWave radios deployed across nine CFE divisions.

Boeing implemented more than a dozen specific measures, including biofiltration units and incorporating native plants. (Boeing photo)

Santa Susana Site Looking Much Better

The Boeing Company's stormwater solutions have spearheaded the restoration of the Santa Susana Field Laboratory near Chatsworth, Calif.

Serving Sustainability – a Company and its Cloud

While many companies tout their efforts to operate more sustainably, or lessen their environmental impact, few can measure how they are helping other businesses do the same. Salesforce.com is ready to do both, as documented in its first sustainability report.

E-Waste and the Supply Chain: Helping the Environment Boosts Business Profits, Too

In order to make manufacturing a sustainable process, companies must green their supply chains by sustainably sourcing materials, reducing the carbon footprint of factories and transportation, and properly disposing of old products.

Environmentally Friendly Mold Remediation

Environmentally Friendly Mold Remediation

Molds are commonly found in homes and commercial buildings, and if left untreated can cause health problems to those that are exposed to them.

METCAM Manufacturing 2

U.S. Manufacturers Gain Edge over Foreign Competition with Quality and Sustainability Initiatives

Environmental sustainability is being increasingly linked to initiatives in “lean manufacturing”, an area in which U.S. manufacturers have excelled for years. The focus of lean manufacturing is to reduce waste—wasted materials, motion, time, effort, inventory, transportation expense, and other expenses involved in the manufacturing process.

As convenient as the newest gadgets are, we should not not forget that most of them contain harmful substances and should be properly recycled, refurbished, or reused. (Dynamic Recycling photo)

Proper E-Waste Disposal and Environmental Sustainability

Do your own, personal part in making proper decisions about recycling e-waste. Don't be afraid to call someone out or voice your opinion about how important our planet is and what it means to you.

Delivering trust to consumers and retailers is aided and simplified by third-party scientific validation and certification of product and lifecycle attributes. Third-party certification and validation will, therefore, become increasingly important.

Will Consumers & Transparency Drive the Janitorial/Sanitation Industry in 2013?

As the industry waits to see the impact of the FTC Green Guides, there is no question that the issue of managing and controlling information will continue to rise throughout 2013.

This screen shot comes from a Dow Chemical video explaining how Omega-9 Oils have helped eliminate more than a billion pounds of bad fats from the diet of people living in North America. Dow announced June 25, 2012, that Omega-9 Oils are its first Breakthrough to World Challenges, addressing a 2015 goal in the area of health.

Sustainability Driving Dow Chemical's Transformation

The business case for it is stronger than ever, said Dow's vice president of sustainability and EH&S, Neil C. Hawkins.

Money from affordable housing grants helps revamp local parks, including these shade structures.

How Parks are Funded by Affordable Housing

Since the establishment of a state program that donates money to cities and counties for parks when affordable housing communities are built, California has received more than $20 million in funds.

A construction worker admires New Harmony, a green affordable housing development in Davis, CA.

Green Construction and Retrofitting Creates More Jobs

Green building and energy efficiency retrofits of affordable housing not only help struggling families find decent places to live, but also help create more jobs for the economy than traditional building methods.

Water Treatment Solution from Method Media

A New Water Testing Solution

Three companies have collaborated on a new water test cartridge and automated monitoring system.

"The composite of all of that is just simple steps to implement a good bit of water conservation without going through capital expenditure or purifying and reusing a lot of other water."

Q&A: Simple Steps to Industrial Water Conservation

To reuse water requires capital that they would rather not spend if it's cheaper for them just to dispose of it. I think that's why we don't reuse that much. It might be more cost effective to figure out a way to reuse it than it would be not to.

Using Virtual Reference Grounding for Electromagnetic Flowmeters

Electromagnetic flowmeters (EMFs) are the leading choice for recording the volume flow of electrically conductive liquids in a wide range of industries, including chemical, pharmaceutical, water/wastewater and food.

New Technology Reduces Risk of Mercury Vapor Exposure in Flourescent Lamp Packaging

The popularity of fluorescent lamps and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) is steadily growing in the industrial, commercial and residential markets. However, they can also be potentially dangerous because of their mercury content.

Why Wait Till Gas Hits $10 a Gallon?

There’s a lot of moaning and hand-wringing whenever gasoline prices approach $4 a gallon. But all it would take for them to hit $10 a gallon overnight would be hurricanes wiping out a couple of refineries or saboteurs disabling a couple of pipelines, says Dr. R. Paul Williamson, founder and CEO of the non-profit Sustainable Systems of Colorado.

A Greener Future: Innovation and Collaboration Drive Sustainability Initiatives in the CPG Industry

When it comes to the political arena in Washington, D.C., most of us see the same thing – the 30,000 foot view. We see and talk about the contentious debates taking place on the economy, health care reform and energy policy.

Water Reuse: Restoring Confidence in Our Future

Nearly everyone can recall being told to conserve water at some point in our lives…turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth, run the shower only just before entering, don’t wash the car during particularly dry summers. We viewed these directives as minor inconveniences -- the idea of communities experiencing serious water shortages was reserved for developing nations.