This new interim policy means that a chronic toxic effect could occur across a 24 hour period of time and any average 24-hour exposure measurement above the RfC is cause for prompt action. This is unprecedented and scientifically indefensible.
Panhandle 2, a wind farm just outside of Amarillo, Texas, has received a $75 million investment from Google. This is Google’s 15th renewable energy investment, and their second in the Lone Star State.
Imagine being kept below freezing temperatures for thousands of years… to be trapped with no way to escape other than to thaw out over time. Permafrost, or permanently frozen ground, forms during colder climates, when average annual temperatures remain below freezing. The soils accumulate ice and plant material from plants living at the Earth’s surface.
Will China's public pledge to mitigate environmental issues and adopt meaningful greenhouse gas controls take hold, or will political obstacles and rapid growth get in the way?
- By William Schulte, Adam Moser, Phoebe Youhanna
Will a plan to ship coal—the leading source of CO2 pollution—from Montana to China be halted following environmental review by two federal agencies, amid early signs that China might be stepping away from coal as preferred energy source?
- By Jack Tuholske, Ben Gustafson
A group of scientists at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) will begin a project that explores the possibility of storm activity in the Pacific Ocean may contribute to global climate change.
Will the Brazilian courts uphold constitution protections for future generations as a basis to strike down new forest laws that allow destruction of the world’s climate – protecting forests?
- By Rebecca Purdom, Kelly Nokes
The agency has proposed standards for new woodstoves, heaters, and fireplace inserts beginning in 2015.
Will the Supreme Court, which recently let stand the D.C. Circuit's decision that greenhouse gases present a danger to the environment through climate change, allow EPA to control greenhouse gases from stationary sources?
- By Christopher Ahlers, Ashley Welsch
Will EPA finally propose regulations that significantly reduce carbon emissions from existing coal-fired power plants?
- By Kevin Jones, Mychal Ozaeta
Will federal flood insurance reforms fully embrace the new reality of climate change driving frequent and intense storms?
- By Stuart Souther, Jake Beckstrom
Six hundred and nine days in the making, KAI Design & Build recently completed a construction management assignment to build one of the largest Ultraviolet (UV) wastewater disinfection systems in the country, to date.
President Obama’s awaited decision on the Keystone XL pipeline has become a proxy for the larger debate on climate change. Will Obama allow the pipeline to go forward?
Will the new Farm Bill’s policies cause agriculture to contribute to or mitigate against climate change? As the largest investment in working lands, the pending Farm Bill may be our best bet to address agriculture’s contribution to climate change. Proposed changes would ironically reduce conservation programs, which mitigate climate change, and provide more insurance for farmers affected by climate change events, shoring up profits for commodity producers.
- By Laurie Ristino, Allison Gabala
A recent study conducted by Harvard University urges the importance of land-use regulations to help preserve water quality, increase the amount of harvested wood, and protect wildlife habitats.
According to the NOAA, a final rule has been issued to help keep protecting the endangered North Atlantic right whale by reducing lethal vessel collisions.
The California Air Resources Board approved the "Airborne Toxic Control Measure for Auxiliary Diesel Engines Operated on Ocean-Going Vessels At-Berth in a California Port" regulation six years ago. It aims to cut emissions from diesel auxiliary engines on container ships, passenger ships, and refrigerated-cargo ships while they're berthed at the California ports.
The recent shale gas boom has led to climate change impact in more than 90 new industrial plants, which are projected to emit greenhouse gases equal to 21 coal-fired power plants.
The Province of Ontario's Green Energy Act of 2009 helped to ignite fast growth in the production of clean and renewable energy. Since 2009, the act has spawned more than 20,000 jobs.
Why frac sand use will become more popular over the next few years and the best methods for drying frac sand.