Mesa Consolidated Water District Hosts Annual Study Group

The California water district has been educating its customers about water supply, including groundwater, for more than 25 years.

In 2011, Mesa Consolidated Water District (MCWD) marks the silver anniversary of its annual Water Issues Study Group. This adult educational program, hosted by the District’s Board of Directors, is open to all MCWD customers interested in learning more about topics related to groundwater.

The free series begins Jan. 19 in Costa Mesa, Calif.

The district formed the study group in 1986 to inform community members about water history, water sources, water quality, and other important water issues. This six-month program educates the district’s customers on such topics as water conservation, water reliability, and the various types of available groundwater.

“The Water Issues Study Group is great way for the district’s customers to gain knowledge about their water supply and system, while also learning about water use efficiency,” said MCWD Board President Fred R. Bockmiller, Jr., P.E.

Participants learn from the district’s staff and other experts who provide presentations and conduct discussions about local, regional, and statewide water issues. The program includes VIP tours of local water facilities for a behind-the-scenes experience.

Since the study group began, more than 700 customers have taken part.

Founded on Jan. 1, 1960, MCWD provides water service to more than 110,000 customers in an 18-square-mile area. The district serves the City of Costa Mesa, parts of Newport Beach, and some unincorporated sections of Orange County, including the John Wayne Airport.

The district currently meets 92 percent of its demand with local water supplies.