Battelle Wins Army HaMMER Contract for Testing Technologies
Battelle will provide laboratory testing, engineering services and field testing of hazardous materials decontamination technologies under a new $7.9 million contract for a program called HaMMER (Hazard Mitigation, Material and Equipment Restoration.)
Battelle is one of 10 contractors designated to bid on providing support for specific military and homeland security research contracts at Edgewood Chemical and Biological Center with a total value of about $485 million. The agreement, which replaces previous separate engineering and research agreements, began in January and runs through 2015. Battelle has supported research at Edgewood since 1987.
The company has been designated to help provide engineering and research support for various chemical, biological and radiological homeland defense research under the agreement with the U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command.
Battelle will help develop and test chemical, biological and radiological detectors, protective clothing, masks, gloves, decontaminants, shelters and other items at the Edgewood Chemical Biological Center in Maryland. Edgewood is part of the Aberdeen Proving Ground. The research will be for both military and civilian homeland security needs.
"For years, Battelle has been intimately involved in developing detection and protection for the military and for Homeland Security. We’re good at developing and integrating complex systems and these fortes should prove very beneficial," said John E. Schulz, Project Manager for Battelle’s systems integration service product line.
Headquartered in Columbus, Ohio, Battelle oversees 20,400 employees in more than 130 locations worldwide, including seven national laboratories which Battelle manages or co-manages for the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and a nuclear energy lab in the United Kingdom.