NREP Offers Environmental Scientist Certification

Environmental professionals who are not engineers can receive a credential for their education and work experience through the Certified Environmental Scientist® (CES) course offered by the National Registry of Environmental Professionals (NREP).

Originally developed to serve the many environmental scientists and specialists employed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the course is open to any individual interested in improving environmental work status in the private, public, and academic sectors. A CES certification helps to demonstrate that technicians, supervisors and managers have received training in the basic environmental sciences. A minimum of 3 years of environmentally related experience is needed.

The purpose of the credential is to establish a person's understanding of the basic principles of environmental science, including: chemistry, physics, earth science, biology, meteorology, zoology and environmental health. A comprehensive CES Study Guide is provided as part of the workshop registration.

NREP has scheduled workshops from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the following dates and locations:

Jan. 22, 2010, Atlanta, Ga.,
March 19, 2010, Houston, Texas, and
May 28, 2010, Washington, D.C.

The cost is $595 and includes a workbook and morning and afternoon refreshments.

For more information, contact the registry 847.724.6631 or send an e-mail to