Syracuse, N.Y. Adopts MWH's H2OMAP Software

MWH Soft, a leading global provider of environmental and water resources applications software, on Aug. 5 announced that the city of Syracuse, N.Y., has chosen MWH Soft’s H2OMAP Water Suite software as its advanced water distribution modeling and design solution.

Syracuse serves a population of 147,000, delivering water through approximately 500 miles (805 km) of distribution mains at a rate of 25 mgd (95 ML/day). The primary water source is Skaneateles Lake, a “Finger Lake” approximately 20 miles (32 km) southwest of the city. This supply is supplemented by Lake Ontario, along with two storage reservoirs, three tanks, and two standpipes.

“H2OMAP Water lets us simulate a range of possible conditions and determine the most cost-effective physical and operational improvements,” said Eric Murdock, chief engineer, City of Syracuse Department of Water. “The program has a broad range of capabilities designed to help us achieve optimum performance and regulatory compliance while enhancing community relations.”

The stand-alone GIS-based program combines spatial analysis tools and mapping functions with network modeling for infrastructure management and business planning. It performs hydraulic and dynamic water quality modeling, energy management (with true variable speed pumping), real-time simulation and control with online supervisory control and data acquisition interface, and fire flow analysis.

Syracuse also acquired the suite’s add-on modules, which will enable the city to perform valve criticality modeling, pump scheduling optimization, automated demand allocation, on-demand contaminant and main break customer notifications, automated hydraulic design, and Genetic Algorithm-based model calibration.