NGWA Plans September Pharmaceuticals-EDCs Meeting

The seventh International Conference on Pharmaceuticals and Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) in Water hosted by the National Ground Water Association will take place Sept. 22-23 in Baltimore, Md.

The conference will examine the connection between the perceived human health risks of pharmaceuticals and EDCs in water and actual risk based on the most current scientific studies. It also will present environmental occurrence data, effects on wildlife, risk management strategies, and drinking water treatment technologies.

Keynote presentations include:

  • “Aquatic No-Effect Level for Synthetic Hormone 17a-Ethinyl Estradiol” by Daniel J. Caldwell, Ph.D., DABT, Johnson and Johnson;
  • “A synopsis of the Impacts to Wildlife from Pharmaceuticals in the United States” by Greg R. Masson, Ph.D., U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service.

Session topics range from advances in analytical instruments, and natural attenuation of pharmaceuticals and EDCs, to the uptake of pharmaceuticals and EDCs by terrestrial and aquatic organisms, and wastewater removal processes.

Panel discussions include “Examining the Testimony of U.S. Senate Hearings on Pharmaceuticals in the Nation’s Water” and “Is There Any Scientific Basis for Pharmaceutical Take-Back Programs?”

To learn more, visit or call 800.551.7379 or 614.898.7791.