NREP Seeks Papers, Schedules Virtual Conference

The National Registry of Environmental Professionals has sent a call for papers that must be submitted by Aug. 15 for inclusion in this year's annual conference, which will be virtual this year.

The virtual conference, set for Oct. 5-6, will include certification examinations, technical papers, and special seminars, according to the organization's press release. NREP is expecting to publish up to 100 individual papers divided into a series of sections, to present video from governmental and industry leaders, and to moderate roundtable discussions aimed at updating environmental and homeland preparedness knowledge and skills.

The Conference Selection Committee is seeking individual presentations of case histories or technical information that would be up to 20 single-spaced pages in length plus illustrations. Presentation subjects include topics related to environment, health and safety, energy, or Homeland Preparedness.

Manuscripts, formatted in Microsoft Word (Times Roman font) or as pdf, can be emailed to Images should be submitted in jpg format.

Submitted manuscripts in the format they are presented become the property of the National Registry of Environmental Professionals. If your paper is selected, NREP will waive the conference fee of papers in your session. The sessions will apply toward continuing education units.

Authors should include name(s), employer, job title, email, phone, and mailing address. NREP reserves the right to place the paper in a session category that best fits the program.