EPA Sets Meeting for Watersheds Needs Survey

On June 8-10, states and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will meet in Washington, D.C. to discuss the Clean Watersheds Needs Survey (CWNS) 2008 data entry process and results and to begin planning for how CWNS should evolve over the next few years to continue improvements in data entry burden reduction and usability of the data to support environmental program implementation.

On March 20, states completed data entry for the "Clean Watersheds Needs Survey 2008 Report to Congress."

The survey is a comprehensive assessment of the capital investments needed to meet the water quality goals set in the Clean Water Act. Since February 2008, states have been entering financial needs and technical information in the CWNS Data Entry Portal for wastewater conveyance and treatment, stormwater management, and nonpoint source pollution control projects. The data is being carefully reviewed prior to the development of the new CWNS 2008 Report to Congress.

For more information, go to http://www.epa.gov/cwns/.