Climate Report Identifies Most, Least Vulnerable Countries

The Maplecroft Climate Change Risk Report includes the first-ever climate change vulnerability index and a set of best-to-worst rankings for more than 168 countries worldwide, according to a recent press release.

The report identifies the world's highest carbon dioxide (CO2) emitters as well as those countries most and least vulnerable to climate change. The report finds many of the world's biggest CO2 emitters also are the countries least vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. For example, despite being the biggest emitter, the United States is the 12th least vulnerable to climate change. Canada is "the best haven from climate change." About 75 percent of the 20 nations most vulnerable to climate change are found in Africa, the continent with the lowest CO2 emissions.

The report incorporates a new approach to measuring climate change risks and can be used in government and company planning and strategizing.

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