Organic Herbicide Registered With EPA As Bio-chemical

"Weed Pharm," described as the world's first food grade organic herbicide, has been registered with EPA as a bio-chemical.

This product of Pharm Solutions Inc. is a nonselective weed and grass killer whose active ingredient is 200-grain "food grade" vinegar. Pharm Solutions makes the only U.S. Department of Agriculture certified organic pesticides in the world.

"Several years ago, scientists at the USDA-ARS Sustainable Agriculture Systems Laboratory tested the ability of vinegar/acetic acid to act as an herbicide. Initial results showed that 20-percent acetic acid (200-grain vinegar) had an acceptable level of control against certain weeds," said Catherine Daniels, an extension specialist with Washington State University.

Susan Lewis, founder and president of Pharm Solutions, said the product enables users to reduce synthetic chemical exposure "without sacrificing results."

Weed Pharm will be sold at Whole Foods, Smith and Hawken, Fred Meyer and independent lawn and garden centers in the United States. Bulk sales are available in 55-gallon drum and truckload quantities as well.

For more information on Weed Pharm, visit: