Apr 03 - 05

Rutgers Continuing Education at The Atrium

Day 1 will begin with a review of the HEC-RAS program's theoretical basics, modeling capabilities, and limitations. Next, an explanation of program and project start-up, data input, and the various forms of output reporting will be presented. The day will conclude with an analysis example problem that will highlight such modeling decisions as cross section location and alignment, loss coefficient selection, and floodway determination. Day 2 of the workshop will focus on an overview of the HEC-RAS program's capabilities, data requirements, and limitations for modeling bridge and culvert flow. It will also include a discussion of the various types of flow encountered at bridges and culverts, as well as different modeling approaches available in HEC-RAS. Day 2 will also include analysis of a second example problem that will illustrate basic bridge and culvert modeling, including further guidance on selecting cross-section locations, loss coefficients, ineffective flow areas and overall computational approach. Day 3 of the workshop will conclude with presentations and example problems on computing floodways and flood fringe volumes. The agenda will also include a workshop review and a question and answer session. Note: This course covers steady flows. Unsteady flows are not addressed.