Apr 18 - 20

DoubleTree Hilton Nashville Downtown

This 2.5 day course will take you through the Clean Air Act regulatory program from A-Z; providing a comprehensive overview of each regulation, permit, plan, etc. to give you a better understanding of how to keep your facility in compliance. This course is designed for new and veteran air professionals and practitioners. Bring your family and make a vacation out of it! Course Topics: The Birth and Fundamental Concepts of the Clean Air Act Title I NAAQS and State Implementation Plans (SIPs) New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) Standards Stratospheric Ozone Depleting Substances Accidental Release Program Requirements Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Reporting The Title V Program and Operating Permits Compliance Assurance/Certification and the Credible Evidence Rule Acid Rain And Mobile Source Regulation Enforcement, Liability and Citizen Suits Permitting and Compliance Strategies