Canadians Protest Against Wind Power Funding

It seems not everyone is pro natural energy. On Tuesday, April 3, demonstrators rallied against wind power projects in Ontario, Canada, claiming turbine noise was causing physical illness and rural property values to plummet.

More than just a few people expressed disdain for the wind turbines; roughly 800 farmers rallied outside downtown Toronto protesting against a government subsidy and requested that Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty resign due to his push for clean energy that is allegedly costing citizens more money. The protestors demanded McGuinty cease wind and solar power projects.

Some residents claim they have been forced out of their homes because of the noise.

McGuinty is all for the continued progression of green initiatives throughout Ontario with the goal of reducing Ontario's greenhouse gas emissions by 15 percent by 2020 and 80 percent by 2050; he states on the government website: “Ontario has a vision for green energy – we will be a North American leader. We have practical, aggressive policies to secure green energy generation, research and manufacturing, which will create good jobs in a growing industry.”

McGuinty aims to reach his government's green goal by opting for renewable energy over coal-fired power plants, encouraging conservation, providing tax breaks for energy-efficient products, and creating incentives for green businesses, municipalities and consumers.

While McGuinty stresses the positive side of the green energy movement in Ontario, voices from the citizens personally affected by some projects oppose the initiative – specifically the turbines.

“They’re huge power-producing machines that make noise and produce vibration…that is felt in the inner ear, similar to the bass from a passing car that’s playing loud music,” said Jane Wilson, president of Wind Concerns Ontario to AFP. Wilson is one of many protestors involved in nonprofit organizations participating in the wind power protests. The Ontario Wind Resistance represents more than 50 organizations banning together against wind power. The April 13 protest was just one in an ongoing battle against the turbines – the group even has a calendar highlighting scheduled protests on their website.

The Ontario Wind Resistance website features testimonials from Ontario residents and their experiences with the turbines – some testimonials include citizens of Australia and the United States of America. Check them out for yourself here. Apparently, the whole green movement isn't a good thing for more than a few Ontario residents.


Posted by Christina Miralla on Apr 13, 2012