Marrs Construction Co. Fined for Lead Safety Violations on HGTV Show

Marrs Construction Co. Fined for Lead Safety Violations on HGTV Show

The company failed to exercise the necessary precautions during renovations featured on HGTV’s Fixer to Fabulous.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has penalized Bella Vista, Arkansas-based Marrs Construction Co. for failing to adhere to federal lead safety regulations during renovations showcased on HGTV’s home renovation television series Fixer to Fabulous.

According to a release dated Jan. 22, Marrs Construction is mandated to pay a $35,000 civil penalty and engage in public education about lead-safe work practices. The EPA's settlement with Marrs Construction addresses the company's non-compliance with the Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (RRP) Rule during two projects in 2018 on homes built before 1978. 

The violations included starting renovations without the necessary recertification, not assigning a certified renovator to oversee the projects, failing to keep records of compliance with lead-safe practices and not following the required work practice standards.

“It’s important that the public understand that any renovation, repair or painting project in a pre-1978 home can easily create dangerous lead dust or expose children to dangerous, sometimes deadly, paint chips,” David M. Uhlmann, Assistant Administrator for the EPA’s Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance, said in a statement. “Home renovation TV programs in particular have an obligation to show the public how to renovate old homes safely and lawfully, not in a manner that is dangerous, misleading, and puts the wellbeing of children at risk.”

As part of the settlement, Marrs Construction has committed to incorporating educational content about lead safety and compliance with the Lead RRP Rule in future episodes of Fixer to Fabulous, including specific segments in the upcoming seasons and a 30-second public service announcement on lead safety measures shared on social media and made available to the EPA.

This action is part of a broader EPA initiative to reduce childhood lead exposures, aligning with the Federal Action Plan to address this critical public health issue. The EPA has also settled similar cases with other HGTV/Discovery network shows. Lead exposure poses significant health risks, particularly to children, affecting their IQ, focus, and academic performance.

About the Author

Robert Yaniz, Jr. is the Content Editor for Environmental Protection.